DTP Brochure publication


Dear DTP friends & colleagues,

Our new brochure is out now! The released brochure aims to highlight the visible results acquired since the Danube Transnational Programme's adoption in 2015. Three years since then, we already have a handful of effects throughout the Danube Region. With regards to the Region's economic and social development gaps between parts, our projects and project partners worked quite hard to impact the well-being of the region and to respond to the specific challenges of each parts. 

The DTP wishes to showcase the gains of the Region via this brochure, given that the complexity of its covering area does not make it easy to fulfil the needs of the Region. Under the umbrella of our four Priority areas:

  • Social Innovation,
  • Culture & Environment,
  • Energy & Accessibility
  • better Governance;  

The Interreg DTP has contributed heavily to the benefits of the Region. So, in order to make clear the importance of a Transnational cooperation scheme, the brochure attempted, with success, to "... look beyond the project level ..." states Mrs. Gabrijela Žalac, B.Sc, Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)