Presentations of the Lead Partner Seminar and Communication Training


The Danube Transnational Programme Joint Secretariat organised on 25th and 26th January 2017 two events addressed to the 54 projects approved under the 1st call for proposals.

The first event was a seminar addressed to the Lead Partners of all those 54 projects. The seminar aimed to support Lead Partners at the beginning of the implementation of their project activities, from a contracting, managing, financial and communication point of view. The presentations of this seminar can be downloaded below.

NOTE: All presentations below complement and not substitute the DTP manuals and guidelines. Please, refer always to those manuals and guidelines to check the mandatory rules and procedures.


Presentations on 'Introduction and Timeframe', 'Subsidy Contract: contractual obligations', 'DTP Project management structure', 'Communication: minimum requirements', 'Project implementation', 'Project changes', 'JS Monitoring Tools', 'DTP Capitalisation Strategy'.

Presentation 'Best practice on management: CERONAV projects'

Presentation 'Best practice on implementation: DANUBEPARKS project'

The second event was a communication training addressed to the communication managers of the 54 approved projects. The training aimed to inform project communicators about the requirements related to the project communication and to train them on compulsory activities, as well as on some communication tools and techniques useful for their communication activities during the project implementation. The presentations of this training can be donwloaded below.


Presentations on 'Importance of communication', 'Kick-off events', 'DTP Project Joint Branding and minimum requirements', 'DTP Project Communication Plan' and 'DTP Project webpages in the DTP website'

Presentation 'Good example on Communication Plan: WidetheSEE project'

Presentation 'Social media for projects' including the DIGITRANS project contribution

Presentation 'Storytelling and media for projects'

Practical exercise on DTP Project Communication Plan: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)