Project "LENA" announced winner - German "Sustainability Project 2018" Award!


Danube Transnational Programme funded project LENA is announced as a winner of the German “Projekt Nachhaltigkeit 2018” / “Sustainability Project 2018” award!

The award (formerly known as "Workshop N") is an established quality seal with national recognition in Germany and stands for innovative and effective commitment to sustainable development. It provides access to an attractive, regional and nationwide network, increased public awareness and the opportunity to shape public discourse and gain supporters. From a total of 450 applications, 40 national and two special international winners (LENA is one of them) were announced on July 11th, on the following website:

 LENA (Local Economy and Nature Conservation in the Danube Region) is connecting nature and people for well-being and prosperity across seven Danube countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia) and 11 protected areas. The project shares know-how and experience for sustainable economic development in protected areas, via enhancement of, for instance, sustainable income generation from wild plants; fishing-based livelihoods; and regional tourism marketing, etc. The official prize awarding ceremony will take place on September 12th, in Berlin.

More information is available here. Follow their Facebook page to stay updated!




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)