
The final result of the second call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) has been disclosed. The Monitoring Committee (MC) has decided on 24th May 2018, that all of the 22 projects have successfully passed the final approval precedure for the 2nd call. Those which were approved under conditions have made the necessary changes as instructed to meet the requirements. For the updated list of approved projects, click here.

The second call was open to the Specific Objectives 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 3.2 and restricted to some topics for the other SOs, except SO 4.1, which was not addressed. Out of the 22 approved projects, 8 address topics covered under Priority 1 of the Programme (Innovative and Socially Responsible Danube Region), 12 under Priority 2 (Environment and Culture Responsible Danube Region) and 2 under Priority 3 (Better Connected and Energy Responsible Danube Region). The Specific Objectives 1.2 (Increase competences for business and social innovation) with 6 projects, 2.2. (Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources) with 4 projects, and 2.3 (Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas) with 5 projects were the ones achieving the most approved projects. More information about all priorities and Specific Objectives of the programme can be found here.

Concerning the partners, 266 institutions are involved (the involvement of the same institution in more than one project are taken into account) in the 22 approved projects. Hungary, with 38 partner institutions; Romania with 37 and Serbia with 26 institutions: are the countries of origin with the highest number of partner institutions. In regard to the Lead Partners, Slovenia (6), Hungary (5) and Germany (4) are the countries gathering more partner institutions leading the projects. According to the Call regulations, the LP can only be chosen among the ERDF partners (EU member states).

The infographic to the right summarizes global statistics shown by the approved projects - click on the picture to enlarge!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)