InnoSchool - 2020 is here! What’s new with InnoSchool?


The Newly Advanced Concept of

InnoSchool Learning System


InnoSchool in key words


InnoSchool is a new and innovative learning system (ILS). It combines traditional classroom-based learning methods with digital elements in order to meet the needs of the school of tomorrow. This learning system is unique, mainly due to these important aspects: 



What’s new with InnoSchool?


At the end of the 1st year of implementation, our project partners finished the newly advanced concept of ILS. This version adds improved data and details mainly on the structure and contents of the InnoSchool pedagogy for beginners and advanced students. In the same time, it clarifies the suggested learning paths to follow. Important decisions referring to the Serious Game concept and gamification issues are highlighted here.


Overall the ILS consists of six modules where both offline classroom activities and the online serious game activities will lead to individual learning experiences. It`s actually an entertaining learning in interaction between students and their teachers, and also among students.


The students who have little or no preliminary knowledge about entrepreneurship and social innovation, will tackle the first five modules (beginners). These modules are especially relevant for students who have experienced other knowledge backgrounds than business or management. They will receive an overview, learn basics and create a first draft of a social business model. The sixth module is addressed to the advanced learners who already have achieved a fairly high level of pre-knowledge in order to successfully accomplish all the offline and online activities. By the end of the last module, the students will be able to create and develop their own social business plans based on innovative thinking and entrepreneurial competencies. From the educational perspective, our learning system aims to improve the entrepreneurial mindset, the awareness of social needs and the development of innovative ideas. Its added value will become visible through additional tackled skills like public-speaking, self-presentation abilities and a proactive attitude.



Serious game – where are we now?


The concept of Serious Game, as an innovative teaching method, has become an important building block of the 21st century schools. The Serious Game combines the learning interactions and educational content with multimedia channels, in an entertaining and creative way.


The InnoSchool online Serious game has the main function to develop students` skills and competences in an attractive digital environment, thus stimulating the learning process. The online part is integrated in classroom activities, where the students are coached by the teachers, can discuss relevant topics, exchange ideas and get inspired by each other.  All these interactions have a positive impact on the self-development process, especially since reflections on their own performance and on their colleagues’ are encouraged. Apart from the classroom activities, the online tasks will be practised outside the classroom as well.


For the past months our team has been working on the Serious Game, the key part of the InnoSchool project. We are pleased to announce that on the 17th of December 2019, the beta version of the game was launched, and it is currently under internal testing.

The main aim of the game is to teach entrepreneurship skills to high school students, but in a way that is attractive and engaging to them. Therefore, the application employs different gaming strategies. The game is centred primarily on opened tasks and quiz questions. For example, while playing the game, the students will gain “special money” that could be used to build the office for their business. On the other hand, their performance will be encouraged by different supporters that you can gain or lose thought the game, based on their results. Meanwhile, students will learn everything there is to know about social entrepreneurship, test their knowledge and post their progress on social media.


Here are some snapshots from the game. Who do you think this guy is?






A new Open Call for piloting is coming!


On the 30th of October 2019, the Open Call for secondary schools to pilot InnoSchool Learning System has been closed. As a result of the first call, 69 schools were already selected and approved, gathering, at this phase, more than 1600 students.


A second Open Call will be launched on the 1st of February 2020, specially addressed to those schools who weren’t able to submit their applications in the first wave. This call will end on the 30th of April and represents the last opportunity to participate in the piloting of InnoSchool.


Check regularly our webpage for more information about the next InnoSchool Call!



Review of the 2nd Project Meeting in Košice


InnoSchool story continued its travel gathering project partners for the 2nd time this year, on 17th and 18th of September in Košice, Slovakia. Our face to face meeting was focused on several topics in accordance with the phase of the project: the newly advanced concept of the InnoSchool Learning System, the Serious Game development, the Open calls for Pilot and other internal issues. An overview of the implemented activities and the achieved results were presented. The team also discussed the project progress, approved deliverables and agreed on internal work plans to properly achieve the InnoSchool purpose.


The project team took part actively in two internal workshops. The first one aimed to reveal and identify attractive methods for insertion of the social needs to the Serious Game. Through brainstorming we decided on the most attractive form of introduction the six social needs in order to engage the students and motivate them to “play” the Serious Game. The second session had to deal with the development of the Serious Game, identifying different characters or avatars in the Game. All the positive feedback and the useful ideas that were generated are going to be included in the next stages of the Game design. 


The 3rd meeting will be hosted by our partners from Serbia: the Regional Agency for Development and European Integration Belgrade. Looking forward to seeing you in February 2020!



Find InnoSchool on Social Media

Stay tuned for the latest news about InnoSchool, the Serious Game and its design by following our:





For any questions please contact us here.




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)