Danube SKILLS - Our journey full steam ahead end of the 2018!


Welcome to Danube SKILLS December NEWSLETTER!


Consistent with our commitment to keep you informed on progress made in Danube SKILLS we are happy to share with you several recent project steps paving the way to integration of Danube navigation into modern transport solutions: the train-the-trainer session, dedicated to the model course Human Resource Management and Social Responsibility on board and the second training session on the topic “Markets and country-specific potentials” and also recent news received from CESNI on adoption of the “Prague standards” and individual partners related to synergies with other ongoing projects. 


You are kindly invited to dedicate a few minutes to reading its contents and to follow our future news on project website, Facebook and Twitter account!.




Danube SKILLS efforts towards increased capacity building of the public sectoR 


Danube SKILLS has recently marked a second important milestone – training of project partners on the model course Human resource management and social responsibility on board - Management level built on the standards of competences developed by CESNI. The train-the-trainer session was organized by CERONAV on 20 September 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia and was attended by representatives of partners from all 8 project countries: RO, AT, DE, SK, HU, BG, HR and RS. 


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Synergies with Thematic Pole 7 projects 


The network of Danube Logistics Promotion Centres (DLPC), an essential outcome of the Danube SKILLS project, requires sufficient data and information related to Danube navigation. These elements (i.e. waterway infrastructure, ports/terminals, vessel operators) are necessary to inform commercial users of the transport sector about Danube navigation and its integration into logistics chains. In this context, the Danube Logistics Promotion Centres have to identify relevant projects dealing with transport infrastructure and/or transport logistics issues in the Danube corridor and exploit synergies.


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SBBH ERASMUS project  “Practical training on simulators FOR MARITIME STUDY OF SERBIA" 


From November 11th 2017 till October 1st 2018, the School for shipping, shipbuilding and hydrobuilding (SBBH) implemented the project Practical training on simulators for Maritime Study of Serbia in cooperation with the partner school from Croatia-Maritime School Bakar (MSB). The project was funded by ERASMUS+ programme – the 2017 National Call, the first one allowing participation of Serbian schools.  During the project lifetime 10 students (6 boys and 4 girls) of SBBH educational the nautical technician-maritime department and 2 teachers in charge of subject vocational courses,  Irina Kivic (teacher of ship electronics) and Zlatko Kendjelic (teacher of marine navigation), spent time in Maritime school Bakar, in Croatia.


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First training courses for future users of ILIS in Serbia 


Port Governance Agency organized in mid-October in its premises in Belgrade the first training courses for port operators for the use of the ILIS information system.  This software is the result of the participation of the Port Governance Agency in the Danube Skills – project whose main aims include among others building of institutional capacities and strengthening the promotion of Danube navigation. The ILIS information system will collect and process the actual operating data in each port, such as the volume of reloaded goods, the number of passengers, the reloading locations etc.


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Approval of CESNI Standards on 8 November 2018 


The European Committee for drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation (CESNI) met in Prague on Thursday 8 November 2018 and adopted 14 standards governing the details of professional qualifications, based on consistent competencies and medical fitness throughout the European Union and on the Rhine (or the “Prague Standards”). The standards represent the content of the new approach requesting an approved training programme or an examination for all new entrants to the sector before becoming a boatman. As from 2022, it will no longer be possible to qualify as a helmsman solely by experience. 


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Trends, networking, new markets- Danube Business Talks 2018 




The Danube: A Stream of Energy. This year’s motto of the Danube Business Talks on 10 and 11th October in Vienna was versatile on purpose. The main focus of this year‘s event was on biomass and bioenergy products. In the framework of the third edition of the business platform successfully organised by viadonau, an international expert audience came together to discuss how to make better use of the strengths of the waterway.


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Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ -Project Manager 


Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223

Email: ghiulermanole@ceronav.ro

Mobile: +40 752 118 880

Project Website







Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)