WOMEN IN BUSINESS Fostering the Young Women Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region

Young women represent a large pool of entrepreneurial potential in the Danube Region (DR) as 52% of its population is female and 30% of them are self-employed.

However, only 10% of young women in the DR are at early stage of business development and only 2% of them establish a business which lasts more than 42 months. The entrepreneurial potential of young women in the DR is underdeveloped. 

WOMEN IN BUSINESS comes as a response to certain specific needs of young women entrepreneurs (YWE) in the DR through project transnational activities focused on:

The consortium of 14 project partners from 9 Danube Region countries brings together national and regional, public and private organizations and universities, whose specific thematic background guarantees a solid knowledge and necessary expertise by coming forward with appropriate innovative solutions. It will upgrade existing cooperation mechanisms between the target groups based on quadruple helix model. 

Project outputs and results are to benefit the wider community within the DR and will have a strong social impact.

All knowledge accumulated in the project will be transferred to other countries from the DR through numerous project events, project dissemination channels and tools and European networks in which project partners participate.

Fostering the Young Women Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 2086442
ERDF Contribution: 1492975.7
IPA Contribution: 144500
ENI Contribution: 136000
Call number
Call 2
Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
Specific objective
Increase competences for business and social innovation

Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations - Varna Lead partner office@rapiv.org BULGARIA
Innovation Region Styria LTD ERDF partner claudia.krobath@irstyria.com AUSTRIA
Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar” ERDF partner bakardjieva@vfu.bg BULGARIA
Technology Park Varaždin Ltd ERDF partner Emilija.skocibusic@tp-vz.hr CROATIA
bwcon GmbH ERDF partner grillea@bwcon.de GERMANY
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Project News

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - check the criteria and procedures and become member of our EWC network
    - 28-11-2021
    check the criteria and procedures and become member of our EWC network

    WOMEN IN BUSINESS project is glad to present to your attention the Label of Women Entrepreneurship Centre. The Label provides an overall insight and a detailed overview on specifics of Women Entrepreneurship Centres (EWCs), criteria and procedure...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Policy Guide on Young women entrepreneurship support
    - 25-11-2021
    Policy Guide on Young women entrepreneurship support

    In the very last days of WOMEN IN BUSINESS project implementation we would like to bring to the attention to all interested policy makers, national public authorities, international organizations and interest groups the Policy Guide on Young...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Women Entrepreneurship Centre: Transnational Strategy for Sustainability
    - 13-11-2021
    Women Entrepreneurship Centre: Transnational Strategy for Sustainability

    Here is how Women Entrepreneurship Centres established within WOMEN IN BUSINESS project plan to ensure their sustainability for to improve gender diversity in the Danube region businesses. The Strategy takes a broader approach and includes...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Women Entrepreneurship Centre Guide: setting up and running
    - 02-11-2021
    Women Entrepreneurship Centre Guide: setting up and running

    The Guide is intended to help every interested institution to set up and run Women Entrepreneurship Centre. The model presented in it is based on indentified good practices in the field and pilot tested EWCs within the WOMEN IN BUSINESS...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - transnational report on policy response to covid-19
    - 09-10-2021
    transnational report on policy response to covid-19

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of individuals and societies, including on the economy and labour markets, is unprecedented in modern history. The speed and severity with which economic consequences have taken hold demonstrate...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)