RARE Changing Discourses, Changing Practices: The Roma as Human Resource

Roma people are the largest ethnic minority in the European Union (EU) and among the most deprived, facing social exclusion, discrimination and unequal access to employment, education, housing and health. Most of the estimated 5,2 M Roma people living in the Danube Region today still face intolerance, discrimination and exclusion from the labour market.

Therefore, RARE aims to enhance the capacities of and cooperation among actors having a stake in the labour market participation of the Roma in order to better exploit their economic potential.
RARE Partners will define the prerequisites of effective institutional cooperation, elaborate and test innovative intervention models for labour market inclusion and will develop convincing economic argumentation for such interventions.

The leveraging of know-how acquired in RARE will be facilitated by persuasive and easily digestible presentation of knowledge facilitated through sensitisation activities and transnational and national networks of stakeholders.

Changing Discourses, Changing Practices: The Roma as Human Resource
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 2039082,1
ERDF Contribution: 1436606,95
IPA Contribution: 296612,79
ENI Contribution: 0
Call number
Call 1
Well-governed Danube region
Specific objective
Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges


Filename Date of upload
Policy Paper 01-09-2019 17:07:00
Final Brochure 23-08-2019 14:24:29
Good practices and economy projections synthesis 18-04-2018 12:30:26
Economy projections 18-04-2018 12:28:18
Deficiency map- Labour Market 05-10-2017 09:53:45
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Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta Lead partner meszaros.eszter@maltai.hu HUNGARY
City of Pécs, Urban Development Company ERDF partner egry.dora@pvfzrt.hu HUNGARY
Impreuna Agency for Community Development Foundation ERDF partner gelu.duminica@agentiaimpreuna.ro ROMANIA
Municipality of Sfantu Gheorge ERDF partner buja_gergely@yahoo.com ROMANIA
Department for Interethnic Relations - General Secretariat of the Government ERDF partner eniko.lacziko@dri.gov.ro ROMANIA
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Project News

  • RARE - The gains from integration of Roma persons into the labour market
    - 30-09-2019
    The gains from integration of Roma persons into the labour market

    Roma persons in Central and Eastern European countries – due to low levels of education, discrimination and segregation – have much lower (legal) employment rates than the majority population. Not only does this translate into low incomes and...

  • RARE - Film of RARE project
    - 10-09-2019
    Film of RARE project

    Challenges, success, communities and human stories. See our short film of the RARE project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7MQujKQq1o&feature=youtu.be

    - 01-09-2019

    "J & I" Accounting agency: Željka, a young 29-year-old Roma, has decided to increase her qualifications and not just stay in hairdressing. With her full secondary education and high school graduation she practices in an accounting company. Her...

  • RARE - From Hate Speech to Happy Speech
    - 18-06-2019
    From Hate Speech to Happy Speech

    “From Hate Speech to Happy Speech” was the title of the exhibition organized as one of the side events during the 16th edition of the Open Heart Children Roma Festival organized by Center Amalipe on 7th and 8th June 2019. The exhibition has been...

  • RARE - Diversity
    - 28-05-2019

    Around 200 representatives from businesses, civil society and experts of the 28 (27) Member States of the European Union dealing with non-discrimination, equality and diversity issues took part in the 10th EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum. The...

See all

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)