DRIM Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants
After undergoing profound political transformations, the Danube region is now facing diverse demographic, labour market and migration challenges, yet lacks the appropriate multi-level governance support structures, especially in the field of migrants' economic integration. With the goal of achieving cohesion and economic development in the Danube region, DRIM's objective is to enhance the capacity of public institutions for promoting migrants’ economic integration, understood as fair access to employment, work and skills enhancement. The main result of DRIM – the improved capacity of public institutions to respond to the needs of newly arrived as well as resident migrants through effective information sharing – will be a corner stone of an information infrastructure that will facilitate economic integration in the Danube region. DRIM will achieve this goal through the following activities and outputs: a) conceptual framework for information sharing and the development of an info tool – DANUBE COMPASS; b) info tool testing (pilot action); c) learning interactions and evaluations to mainstream and disseminate DANUBE COMPASS; d) a strategy that promotes and mainstreams information sharing as a necessary step for migrants' access to employment. The outputs, especially DANUBE COMPASS, are an innovative attempt to respond to the transnational challenges with a transnational approach instead of national information infrastructures. The expected short-term impact is a better response of main target groups (local and national authorities) in supporting migrants' economic integration as well as migrants' – the secondary target group – easier access to employment and renewed trust in public authorities. The long-term change is expected to be the construction of an effective information infrastructure for migrants throughout the Danube region, with corresponding improved capacities of public institutions ensuring smoother integration and through that social change.

- Start date
- 01-01-2017
- End date
- 30-06-2019
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 1522169,3
- ERDF Contribution: 1207660,69
- IPA Contribution: 86183,2
- ENI Contribution: 0
- Call number
- Call 1
- Priority
- Well-governed Danube region
- Specific objective
- Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges
Filename | Date of upload | |
DRIM Infographic | 24-09-2019 14:13:22 | |
Globe in motion: Multiple shades of migration | 24-09-2019 14:10:40 | |
Globe in motion: Patterns of International migration | 24-09-2019 13:35:59 | |
Info Booklet on Labour Market in Austria | 24-09-2019 13:34:44 | |
Danube Compass Health SI/ALB/RUS | 23-09-2019 11:54:49 |
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts | Lead partner | martina.bofulin@zrc-sazu.si | SLOVENIA |
Caritas Academy of Diocese Graz-Seckau | ERDF partner | Anton.fink@caritas-steiermark.at | AUSTRIA |
SPF Group, Ltd. | ERDF partner | miskovsky@spfgroup.org | CZECH REPUBLIC |
GS gain&sustain OG | ERDF partner | m.linzer@gainandsustain.eu | AUSTRIA |
Employment Service of Slovenia | ERDF partner | Robert.Modrijan@ess.gov.si | SLOVENIA |
Project News
- 26-09-2019We are (AGAIN!) happy to announce that DRIM project has received Constantinus Internationl Award promoting outstanding consulting projects. Congatulation to DRIM Austrian project partners Gain & Sustain!
DRIM - DRIM at the Bled Strategic Forum
- 26-09-2019We are happy to announce that DRIM project was presented at the Bled Strategic Forum in Ljubljana on the 1st of September 2019 within the section "Providing accessible information for diverse populations". In the session, Martina Bofulin,...
DRIM - Award by Slovak Academy of Sciences in the field of international scientific cooperation
- 25-07-2019We are happy to announce that DRIM project has received an award by Slovak Academy of Sciences in the field of international scientific and technological cooperation. The award committee emphasized the importance of the Danube Compass as a unique...
DRIM - Participation of DRIM at the 10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region 2019
- 19-06-2019Between 12th and 13th June 2019, Sanja Cukut Krilić, DRIM project member, took part at the 10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region in Gdansk, Poland. The theme of the Forum was "Circular and sharing economy as an answer to...
DRIM - Information Sharing Index
- 07-06-2019To support systematic and systemic change in how public institutions disseminate and migrants receive information our Information Sharing Index is detailing the necessary steps for building a robust information infrastructure for migrants in the...