DIONYSUS Integrating Danube Region into Smart & Sustainable Multi-modal & Intermodal Transport Chains

The Danube and its navigable tributaries offer significant free capacity for freight and passengers flows. A prospering waterborne transport sector contributes to a sustainable transport system and regional growth. Besides better fairway conditions, a more modern, energy-efficient fleet, better management of the transport system through comprehensive infrastructure planning and investment solutions are required. The investment needs refer to port infra and superstructure, multimodal connections to port hinterlands.

The project will focus on addressing main regional challenges in infrastructure governance and planning highlighting key actions needed to support Danube transport, port infrastructure planning. It builds on the results of DAPhNE project on port infrastructure development and Danube Ports Network cooperation.

DIONYSUS results will feed into the elaboration of transport corridor development policies by means of gap analysis reports and recommendations. It will provide a framework to identify shortcomings in rail & road access infrastructure of the Danube ports and consolidate investment needs based on Market Analyses. Matching port planning with transport infrastructure and Regional Economic Development Plans will deliver recommendations for their adaptations in line with sector priorities. Targeted and niche-specific case studies for Container Liner Services and Agricultural Products will be developed. Also, an Infrastructure Master Plan for the River Cruise Industry will be elaborated. 

Essential outputs will consist of Port Development Plans and Operational and Business models to support quality, sustainable development, and investment decisions. All project’s outputs will ensure alignment with specific EU Transport, TEN-T and Cohesion Policy objectives for the period 2014 - 2020 and beyond, including the next Multiannual Financial Framework (2021 - 2027), making DIONYSUS to a key instrument to contribute the EUSDR implementation.

Integrating Danube Region into Smart & Sustainable Multi-modal & Intermodal Transport Chains
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 3603511.25
ERDF Contribution: 2261133.69
IPA Contribution: 223730.59
ENI Contribution: 578120.21
Call number
Call 3
Better connected and energy responsible Danube region
Specific objective
Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Pro Danube Romania - Association for the promotion of transports on the Danube Lead partner pdr.office.2020@gmail.com Romania
Ennshafen Port ERDF partner w.auer@ennshafen.at Austria
iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH ERDF partner p.woetzinger@ic-group.org Austria
Wieser Consult Ltd ERDF partner office@wieserconsult.com Austria
Pro Danube Management GmbH ERDF partner rafael@prodanube.eu Austria
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Project News

  • DIONYSUS - Project officially presented at DISC ’22
    - 20-12-2022
    Project officially presented at DISC ’22

    Danube Information Services Conference ’22 (DISC ’22) took place in Bucharest on 14 – 15.12.2022. This annual event is dedicated to inform about the latest River Information Service developments and innovations in the Danube region.  DIONYSUS...

    - 19-12-2022

    The event targets the Lower Danube Region’s port administrations, port operators and service providers, tourist organizations, tour operators, local authorities. The Regional Workshop was dedicated to the development of RCI in the Lower...

  • DIONYSUS - International Event on Ports and Agricultural Traffic
    - 19-12-2022
    International Event on Ports and Agricultural Traffic

    The International Event organized on 3rd November 2022 under the responsibility of HFIP aimed to present the findings of the Reports and Case Studies on Agricultural Products Traffic in the Danube Region. The purpose of the international...

  • DIONYSUS - Regional workshop on river cruising in the Middle Danube Region successfully organised
    - 14-12-2022
    Regional workshop on river cruising in the Middle Danube Region successfully organised

    Hosted by the Port Governance Agency, the regional workshop "RCI in the Middle Danube Region (HU/HR/RS)" was successfully organised on 9 November in Belgrade. The event, co-organised by the Port Governance Agency, Port Authority Vukovar and the...

  • DIONYSUS - Project activity dedicated to the digitalisation of Danube ports delivers important findings
    - 13-12-2022
    Project activity dedicated to the digitalisation of Danube ports delivers important findings

    There is a significant impact of ICT technologies on transport-related business, starting from fast and secure information exchange to the full automatisation of certain operations and processes. For Danube ports, digitalisation is a new...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)