SMART FACTORY HUB Improving RD and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry

Manufacturing industry represents a generator of Research and Development, innovation, growth and employment. Based upon increasing pressure on manufacturers (increased production capacity in low-cost economies and increased level of sophistication of supply chains in high-cost economies), the manufacturers need to embrace novel technologies, principles and approaches.

In other words, manufacturers need to digitize their production, while taking into consideration also improvement in processes and human resource management. 

The main objective of the Smart Factory HUB project is to improve framework conditions for innovation in the area of “smart factory”.

Therefore, the project’s goal is to develop R&D and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry.

Result is improved cooperation between R&D and business where based on RIS3 (Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy) centered model, quadruple helix partners will be oriented to find novel solutions in the following three domains: applying novel technologies, applying effective production process and applying effective human resource management system.

Improving RD and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 1838636,6
ERDF Contribution: 1456071,99
IPA Contribution: 106769,09
ENI Contribution: 0
Call number
Call 1
Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
Specific objective
Improve framework conditions for innovation


Filename Date of upload
D5.4.1_Cummulative report on SF solutions_A1.0 23-01-2019 13:20:41
Open Call 20-11-2018 15:04:06
Germany_open call 19-11-2018 14:22:06
D5.3.1 Capacity building academy_A1.0 28-06-2018 12:55:07
D5.2.2_Report on transferability guideline tool_A1.0 28-06-2018 12:54:39
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Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Pomurje Technology Park Lead partner Slovenia
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca ERDF partner Romania
University of Stuttgart – Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management ERDF partner Germany
University of West Bohemia ERDF partner Czech Republic
See all

Project News

  • SMART FACTORY HUB - Final Conference
    - 25-06-2019
    Final Conference

    ”When you reduce the cost of failure, you see a big eruption of innovation” (Gary Hauthier) This quote describes well the Smart Factory HUB project.  Within 3 years the partnership of the project saw many-many  technological solutions...

  • SMART FACTORY HUB - Only 6 days left until the "RIS3 Instruments & Digital Innovation Hubs“ event
    - 21-03-2019
    Only 6 days left until the "RIS3 Instruments & Digital Innovation Hubs“ event

    If you would  like to know more about : SMART SPECIALIZATION STRATEGY(S3) DIGITAL INNOVATION HUBs (DIHs) Then this event is waiting for you! Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO) is pleased to...

  • SMART FACTORY HUB - RIS3 instruments & Digital Innovation Hubs
    - 19-02-2019
    RIS3 instruments & Digital Innovation Hubs

      Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO) is pleased to invite you to the transnational exchange workshop „SMART FACTORY: RIS3 Instruments & Digital Innovation Hubs“ that will be held on 27 March 2019, at Hotel...

    - 03-01-2019
    Open Call

    Smart Factory HUB project open call is available until 18.01.2019. If you want to improve your manufacturing processes in your SME then APPLY NOW! The objective of the call is to improve the efficiency of production-oriented micro, small...

  • SMART FACTORY HUB - Slovenia & Hungary_ Learning Demonstration Workshop
    - 24-10-2018
    Slovenia & Hungary_ Learning Demonstration Workshop

    Joint Learning Demonstration Workshop in Maribor The Joint Learning Demonstration Workshop took place on 9th of October 2018 in Maribor, Slovenia, hosted by Pomurje Technology park and Pannon Business Network. Here you can find the video...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)