JOINTISZA - Press Release: Shaping future project activities along the international Danube Day celebrations


Please find attached here a press release related to the outcomes of the series of milestone events of the JOINTISZA Project, which took place during 26-29 June, 2017 in Szolnok, Hungary.

As the Tisza River is the longest tributary of the Danube and the largest sub-basin of the Danube Basin, the JOINTISZA project organised a series of project management meetings and trainings to coincide with the international Danube Day (29 June).

The events brought together project partners from each of the five Tisza River Basin countries.

The Project Management Unit meeting provided an opportunity for the management team to discuss administrative issues and the progress of project activities in order to ensure timely implementation. This was followed by a meeting of the Steering Committee, the main objective of which is to oversee the effectiveness and quality of implementation of the JOINTISZA project. Among others the Steering Committee endorsed the deliverables of the first period, including documents which establish the working mode and roadmap for project implementation.

The “Train the Planners” and “Shared Vision Planning Methodology” seminars targeted the project team’s river basin management planning experts and covered basic methodologies related to effective public involvement in water management decision-making processes.

The “Train the Planners” seminar introduced theory and principles of public participation and provided a platform for sharing experiences. The seminar produced five National Stakeholder Involvement Roadmaps, which will serve as a basis for national-level stakeholder involvement on issues relevant at the Tisza basin level.

The last days in Szolnok were spent focusing on “Shared Vision Planning” (SVP) methodology, a collaborative tool that can help to resolve problems related to water resources management. The application of SVP was discussed in detail in the context of the JOINTISZA project’s drought management pilot, which will result in a guidance paper on climate change-induced water quantity issues within a selected pilot area in Hungary. 


Click on our Gallery for more photos from the events.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)