FORESDA - “ Wood industry and forestry in Serbia” – 2nd conference


University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry (member of the FORESDA consortium), together with biggest wood industry and forestry companies from Serbia, organized on the 7 of April 2017, at the University of Belgrade a conference entitled: “Wood industry and Forestry in Serbia”

The key issue of the event was National strategy for wood industry between 2017-2022. The measures from strategy were explained and discussed during the conference. Also, the role of national agencies and institutions (Serbian Chamber of Commerce, clusters, agencies, schools and faculties...) in this strategy was discussed. In the part of the conference related to innovations FORESDA project was presented.

Main messages of the event:

  • Realization of measures from the strategy;
  • Rational use of domestic wood resources;
  • Better cooperation between forestry and wood industry in terms of annual quantities of raw wood material, better classification of logs

Wood industry expects better position in future plans of decision-making bodies. It is one of the export oriented industries in Serbia with relatively high participation in overall domestic economy and a positive balance between export and import. By realization of measures from the strategy it is expected (by 2022): export above 700 mill. USD; net export above 500 mill. USD; number of employees above 30.000, production of more competitive products with a higher added value

Further information about the activity of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry available here:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)