AgriGo4Cities - Partners met in Banská Bystrica to explore local succes stories!


The second meeting of @AgriGo4Cities project, held in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, on 14th June 2017 was mainly related to the so far results of the first three Work Packages of the project, to the future activities concerning Work Package 3 and even more interesting, to a series of study visits to several Community Gardens, being therefore a very successful and productive one.

Taking into account the recent development of the project and its aims, the first day started with an introduction to study visits concerning local successful stories, good practices example and future challenges.

Hence, we visited the Community garden Sásová and Záhrada where the partners were shown good practices examples for community gardening and urban agriculture, so as to have a clearer picture of how Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture is working on practice, in order to assure a successful future development of the project.

Moreover, a good practices presentation was also held by HIDEPARK Nitra Community garden, an original place created by volunteers in 2010 which has got to become  a cultural centre and a place for unconventional ideas, hidden by the Nitra River and the Hide Park.   


During the meeting it was presented the Deliverable 3.1.2 – Inventory Report, the background of the task and its importance, the structure of the questionnaire and its results.

As mentioned above, aspects related to the future activities of Common methodology – Work Package 3 were discussed as follows:

  • the Good practices catalogue for which each partner will prepare 2 good practices for detailed analysis;
  • the Evaluation of effectiveness of participatory UA, being established the scope and purposes of such an evaluation process and the target group;
  • the Development of a training tool for participatory UA, concluding about a presentation of a plan of the training course in Munich;  
  • the Establishment of a transnational learning environment + Geo-Tool (optional activity), being established when the presentation of the plans for the training course in Munich should be delivered.

Last but not least, the partners responsible with Work Package 1 and 2 presented the results obtained so far concerning Management and financial activities and the Communication activities.

The next meeting of the project will be held in November 2017, in Munich having as a main purpose discussing about the special training methodology.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)