DRIM - Who Are We? - Presentation of the DRIM Part


The DRIM partnership involves 18 multisector partners from 9 Danube region countries: Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The selected territories represent various profiles of the upper Danube region as regards migration processes. There are countries experiencing a high rate of immigration (such as Germany and Austria), countries with strong emigration (such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia) and countries, that are affected by both phenomena (Hungary, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic and Slovenia). Due to socialist past many of these countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Hungary) face similar challenges and have underdeveloped structures with regards to migrant integration. On the other hand, Germany and Austria have more experience in this field, but still seek innovative approaches based on previous lessons learned. Regional and local institutions still lack knowledge about migrants and a comprehensive transnational information tool for migrantsꞌ economic integration as migration in and out of the state is closely linked with other neighbouring states in Danube region. Transnational cooperation is therefore strongly needed, and it will be established through partnership between different project partners and associated partners in DRIM.

Given the complexity of the project's task, i. e. creating a common Danube region transnational information platform for the economic integration of migrants, the DRIM partnership consists of organizations across sectors (public institutions, academia, civil society, business sector) and at different governance levels (public authorities bodies at local, regional and national level) ensuring an integrated territorial approach. All partners have extensive track record of working on migration or broader social cohesion. NGOs and private bodies that have internationally acknowledged expertise in training of public institutions dealing with migrants as well as with migrant groups themselves. Employment offices, ministries, municipalities and other national public authorities provide access for implementing DRIM activities at various governance levels, support the mainstreaming of DRIM outputs into the governance structures and campaign for innovative solutions to migrants’ access to employment and labour markets. Independent research institutes steer the project methodologies with the aim of assuring the state-of-the-art approaches to migrants’ integration

The lead partner of the DRIM project is the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia).

ERDF project partners are:

  • Caritas Academy of Diocese Graz-Seckau (Austria),
  • SPF Group, Ltd. (Czech Republic),
  • GS gain&sustain OG (Austria),
  • Employment Service of Slovenia (Slovenia),
  • Centre for Peace Studies (Croatia),
  • Institute of Ethnology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia),
  • Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (Hungary),
  • The City of Munich, Department of Labour and Economic Development, Local Employment and Qualification Policy (Germany).

The IPA project partner is Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (Serbia).

The associated strategic partners are:

  • Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities, Government of the Republic of Croatia (Croatia),
  • Department of Integration of the City of Graz (Austria),
  • Commissioner for the Protection of Equality of the Republic of Serbia (Serbia),
  • The Municipal Authority of Prague-Libuš (Czech Republic)
  • META, o.p.s. – Association for Opportunities of Young Migrants (Czech Republic),
  • Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (Slovenia),
  • Institute for Labour and Family Research (Slovakia),
  • Agency for Labour and Employment of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Further, each DRIM project partner will be presented briefly. For more information about organizations and their work, the link to their homepage is provided after the short description of the partner.


Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

The lead partner, the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), is a Slovenian research centre in the humanities and a cutting-edge academic institution in the Danube region. It has a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary character and covers basic research as well as applied projects. ZRC SAZU overarches 18 research institutes, among them the Slovenian Migration Institute as the leading and internationally recognised research and educational centre for interdisciplinary migration studies.

ZRC SAZU has excellent specialized experts in the field of migration, especially in relation with the Danube region, and has extensive experience in managing and working in transnational projects focused on migration. It is involved in scientific research as well as in societal practice regarding migration by performing concrete tasks such as: increasing the accessibility, transparency and coherence of information on labour migration, improving transnational administrative cooperation between national competent authorities and social partners, development of training methodologies and info data sets for stakeholders involved in the field of labour migration, etc. ZRC SAZU as a lead partner will work on the use of a broader pool of intellectual and practical assets that are not available at the national or local level, the exchange of information, experiences and tools with other partner countries, the joint development of transnational information platform based on a shared perspectives and cooperation leading to a higher quality results in comparison to those on the unilateral level.



Caritas Academy of Diocese Graz-Seckau

An Austrian DRIM project partner, Caritas Academy of Diocese Graz-Seckau (CARITAS), is involved in integration measures and is the biggest provider of German language instruction for migrants and refugees in Styria. Every year from 600 to 700 people attend courses and at its own testing centre CARITAS holds examinations for more than 500 examinees per year. CARITAS has direct access to thousands of refugees and collaborates with all relevant public and private institutions in this field. Despite its local scope CARITAS is also integrated within several national and European networks.

Within DRIM Caritas will be involved in all the main thematic activities such as TWG group meetings, preparing joint methodology for building conceptual framework, preparing country specific recommendations for Austria, as well as creating and evaluating a draft of the Strategy. Based on their thematic competence specific role will be assigned to CARITAS within WP4: Pilot action: testing DANUBE COMPASS information platform in Graz. CARITAS will take care of implementation and monitoring of info-tool performance on location.



Institute of Ethnology, Slovak Academy of Sciences

A Slovak DRIM project partner, Institute of Ethnology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (UE SAV) is a part of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and is a renowned research institution whose disciplinary commitment to comparative social analysis makes it particularly well-placed to understand the interaction between local cultural systems and the broader world. UE SAV has had several research projects focusing on migration and the integration process. It has conducted numerous research projects focusing on the topics of minorities, diversity, social inclusion or migrants in particular. Many of the research activities were also realized in cooperation with public institutions or non-governmental institutions and hence implemented in practice. Therefore, UE SAV is providing a sound theoretical base as well as expertise in applied scientific work collaborating closely with labour offices, social affairs units, educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, adult education institutions).

In DRIM UE SAV will take over the WP3 where it will gear the project toward the joint conceptualization of the transnational tool and the underlying categories and definitions that form its theoretical basis. In addition, the institute will also provide expertise on the topic of economic integration in Slovakia connecting various stakeholders in this field and ensuring the transfer of knowledge to multilevel governance institutions.



SPF Group, Ltd.

A Czech DRIM project partner, SPF Group, Ltd. (SPF) provides consulting services on local and regional development, which includes consultancy support of national, regional and local public institutions on strategic and project management. SPF also provides specialized training and courses in these fields. It has a long track record of participating in various large scale projects. Their team of experts is quite experienced in the elaboration of strategic, conceptual and programme documents (e.g. city and regional strategic plans, territorial and sectoral strategies, operational programme and operational manuals) as well as in conducting evaluation studies and impact assessments.

Given their in-depth knowledge of policy development on multi-governance levels SPF will take over the leadership of the WP5, which aims at mainstreaming DRIM outputs. They will organize and lead workshops with decision makers and contribute their expertize to building country specific recommendations and DRIM Strategy.



GS gain&sustain OG

Another Austrian DRIM project partner is GS gain&sustain OG (GS), which was established in 2009 with one office in the province of Carinthia and one in Styria. They specialize in the topic of corporate social responsibility, good governance and social business encouraging civic engagement and are part of the regional Experts Group at the Chamber of Commerce in Carinthia. GS consulting services and awareness-raising projects are building the basis for the professional integration of migrants and refugees into the Austrian labour market, by promoting a network and triple helix-cooperation with universities (Alpe-Adria University Klagenfurt, the FH Kärnten, FH Joanneum), business sector (coworking-spaces, incubators) and the general community. GS has participated in a number of projects that aim to improve the social innovation potential of the region, increase the transfer of transnational knowledge, promote social entrepreneurship and provide support for young, female entrepreneurs with migrant backgrounds. Through coaching-programs, training and talent analysis, GS supports young, marginalized people and supports their way toward professional vocation training.

Given GS’s rich experience with organizing and leading educational events as well as through close collaboration with local authorities it will, in addition to covering the part of the activities for country of Austria (country specific profile and country specific recommendations), also oversee the implementation, monitoring, peer reviewing of pilot actions and training sessions.



Employment Service of Slovenia

A Slovenian DRIM project partner, the Employment Service of Slovenia (ZRSZ), is an independent legal entity with the status of a public institution that was established on the basis of the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance. The main activities of the ZRSZ are: employment advice and job broking, life-long career guidance, unemployment benefit and unemployment insurance, implementation of active employment policy measures and programs, issuing of work and employment permits for foreign workers, preparation of analytical, development and other professional materials related to ZRSZ activities, labour market and its information of public nature. In the last ten years ZRSZ has been involved in many projects, which fall under various programme and financial frameworks. ZRSZ also independently carried out a variety of major projects.

Within the DRIM project ZRSZ will be involved in all the main activities as well as in two additional specific tasks: a pilot action (testing the info tool) and after the termination of DRIM project, providing financial support for the technical maintenance of the DRIM tool for at least 5 years after the project’s end due to close alignment of Danube Compass with ZRSZ planned activities.



Centre for Peace Studies

Centre for Peace Studies (CMS), a DRIM project partner from Croatia, is a non-profit association of citizens whose mission is promoting non-violence, human rights and social change through education, research and activism. CMS operates through three complementary programs: 1. combating racism, xenophobia, and ethnic exclusivism; 2. conflict transformation and non-violence affirmation; and 3. strengthening of social solidarity, human security and development cooperation. CMSꞌs current activities are focused on the intercultural integration of refugees. So far CMS have supported number of endeavours to sentisize the public in connection to immigration as well as in activities towards empowering refugees.

In DRIM CMS will capitalize on their extensive experience on initiatives for migrants and will, besides the activities covering Croatia, implement and monitor a pilot action taking place in Zagreb. They will report on their experience which will be a valuable asset in improving the Danube Compass as well as preparing country specific recommendations and a DRIM Strategy.



City of Munich, Department of Labour and Economic Development, Local Employment and Qualification Policy

A DRIM project partner from Germany is the Local Employment and Qualification Policy unit (RAW) at Department of Labour and Economic Development at the City of Munich. It provides local migrants with information services and qualification projects within the Munich Employment and Qualification Programme (MBQ). MBQ is the City of Munich's primary strategy of labour market policy. Currently sponsoring more than 110 projects and activities, the program seeks to improve the employment prospects of disadvantaged persons in Munich's labour market. Migrant youth, international students, unemployed migrants, current and future migrant entrepreneurs, as well as refugees belong to the important target groups. RAW’s work was recognized in 2012 as one of the “Good Ideas on Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration” by the Canadian Initiative Cities of Migration.

DRIM will capitalize in RAW’s expertise in local integration as well as excellent networking capabilities through the pilot action implemented and monitored in Munich, as well as through the involvement in important transnational networks which will substantially contribute to visibility and durability of DRIM outputs.



Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency

A Hungarian project partner, the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (KDRIU), is a regional-level agency, member of a nationwide network established by the decision of the government with the involvement of 5 public and semi-public partners in the region. Its core focus is to establish and maintain a network of services via the establishment and operation of a strong cooperation network with other service providers, universities and the business sector, as well as the general community. KDRIU was responsible for developing the regional RIS3, which is connected to the national strategies like the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme and Social Renewal Operative Programme. KDRIU is especially active in labour market measures in the Central Transdanubian region. It has participated in a number of projects that aim to improve the region’s innovation potential, strengthen the exchange of transnational knowledge, boost entrepreneurship and provide support for young SMEs.

KDRIU will use its expertise in supporting WP leaders in drafting methodologies for training sessions and workshops. KDRIU will also organize the transnational working group meeting and support the preparation of the methodology for national workshops and for drafting country specific recommendations. Lastly, KDRIU will furthermore promote project results through the network of local communities, which will assure their sustainability and mainstreaming.



Lawyers Committee for Human Rights

A project partner from Serbia, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM), was founded in November 1997 as a professional, voluntary, non-governmental association of citizens, associated to protect and promote human rights in accordance with universally accepted civilized standards, international conventions and national law. Since YUCOM’s establishment, its legal experts have been engaged in promoting and advocating the idea of the rule of law and upholding human rights, raising public awareness, conceiving, designing and leading civil initiatives, providing legal assistance to victims of human rights violations, as well as developing cooperation with national and international organizations involved in human rights protection. YUCOM is a member of numerous networks and has the experience with networking at the highest level as well as with policy implementation in the field of human rights.

Besides contributing to the DRIM activities that cover Serbia, they will be crucial for ensuring the durability of project outputs nationally, in the Danube region as well as beyond. In this regard they will be leading activities connected to the endorsement of the DRIM Strategy, especially the involvement with the Bled Strategic Forum.



Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities, Government of the Republic of Croatia

Associated strategic partner from Croatia, Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (GOHRRNM), coordinates national integration policies through the work of the Standing Committee for the implementation of integration of foreigners into Croatian Society (according to the Law on international and temporary protection). Furthermore, GOHRRNM is responsible for the drafting of the national Action Plan on integration. The project implementation unit, as part of GOHRRNM, has rich experience with international projects as well as professional staff that is in charge of drafting project proposals and implementation of project activities (regarding Roma issues, migration/integration issues, anti-discrimination and anti-trafficking).

As a part of DRIM Consortium GOHRRNM is responsible for following and monitoring activities of creating and building Danube Compass info tool and the Strategy. They comment and make suggestions on methodologies, guidelines and recommendations produced in the project. Moreover, they support the mainstreaming of DRIM's outputs into national policies, especially through their role of preparing the national Action Plan on integration. Lastly, GOHRRNM will support the dissemination activities of project results within the public authorities structure in Croatia.



Department of Integration of the City of Graz

An Austrian associated strategic partner, Department of Integration (IR) of the City of Graz (MG), is part of Department for Education and Integration. It was established in 2005 to coordinate and implement integration measures. In IR's understanding of the integration the aspect of political, legal and social equality of residents and foreigners are especially emphasized. It includes a commitment to cultural pluralism. One of the main tasks of IR is thus to develop strategies and projects designed to entrench this understanding in public opinion Graz' communities. In a practical sense, IR is an interface between the municipal authorities and NGOs in the municipality. It also connects various stakeholders in the field of integration and draws attention to weaknesses and gaps in the system and points to the ways of improving these gaps. It participates in various local and international projects aiming at the peaceful coexistence of various social groups living in Graz.

MG will contribute to DRIM activities and results by providing insight from the local perspective regarding local level opportunities and restrains in relation to information systems for migrantsꞌ economic integration. MG’s main contribution will be the translation of local needs and challenges through providing suggestions and an evaluation of DRIM’s activities, but especially the transnational info tool.



Commissioner for the Protection of Equality of the Republic of Serbia

An associated partner from Serbia, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality of the Republic of Serbia (CPE), is an independent, autonomous and specialized state authority. Its task is to prevent all forms, types and cases of discrimination, to protect the equality of natural persons and legal entities in all spheres of social relations, to oversee the enforcement of antidiscrimination regulations, and to improve the realization and protection of equality. The CPE's main task is to carry out procedure based on complaints in cases of discrimination against persons or groups of persons connected by the same personal characteristic. A part of the Commissioner's competences is also monitoring the situation as related to the protection of equality. The Commissioner has the obligation to establish and maintain collaboration with authorities competent for achieving equality and protecting human rights.

CPE monitors the activities in the DRIM through the aspect of equal rights, especially the equal right to information and the prevention of discrimination of migrants. It is also responsible for monitoring the project activities, contributing to guidelines and recommendations for policy making procedures at the national level, and providing insight on the national development strategies and legislative issues in Republic of Serbia. Also, through close cooperation with YUCOM, they are involved in dissemination activities of project results.



The Municipal Authority of Prague-Libuš

A Czech associated partner is The Municipal Authority of Prague-Libuš (MAPL). They have experience with integration efforts in their territory since 16 % of the municipality's population has migrant background, mostly Vietnamese. MAPL supports diverse activities aimed at the peaceful coexistence of minority and majority groups, focused on good knowledge of the phenomenon among population and integration activities, especially as regards education. Municipality works with academic institutions to understand the processes in the municipality (mostly with Charles University of Prague). Based on these studies the authority supports a number of activities for intercultural communication.

MAPL is responsible for monitoring the project activities bringing in the local level perspective specifically connected with the wider Prague district and gives suggestions and recommendations with special regards on local level constrains and possibilities related to the use of the Danube Compass tool as well as with the endorsement of the Strategy.



META, o.p.s. – Association for Opportunities of Young Migrants

Another associated partner from the Czech Republic is META, o.p.s. – Association for Opportunities of Young Migrants (META), which is an NGO that provides qualified social counselling focused on education and consequent job opportunities in the Czech Republic regarding the specific needs of the main target group – young migrants in Czech Republic. The aim of the association is to encourage young migrants to pursue higher education, to support their career choices and skills enhancement and to empower them to actively participate in their overcoming of problems associated with their "migrant" experience. Besides counselling for foreigners, the organization devotes to the conceptual activity in the field of education of individuals with migrant background, to intercultural training sessions for teachers and to the implementation of educational activities.

Through their involvement with youth, META will contribute to DRIM by putting a special emphasis on young migrants and by sharing staff's expertise and experiences in this specific field, monitoring the project activities and giving suggestions and recommendations.



Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

Associated partner from Slovenia is the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (MDDSZ). Within the MDDSZ, labour migration falls under the authority of the Division for Employment, Social Entrepreneurship and Migrations, which cooperates closely with other Ministry divisions, the Employment Service of Slovenia, and other ministries, in particular the Ministry of the Interior. The Division draws up regulatory and legislative proposals relating to the employment and work of third country nationals in Slovenia, monitors the implementation of rules and regulations, and handles complaints against the decisions of the Employment Service of Slovenia to refuse the issue of a work permit to foreigners. The Division also participates in the drafting of EU legislative proposals relating to the free movement of workers and services, and the entry, stay and employment of third country nationals.

The main added value of MDDSZ will be the active endorsement of one of DRIM outputs, the Strategy for info sharing to promote migrants’ economic integration and their assistance in including the Strategy in the programme of Bled Strategic Forum. Moreover, they will disseminate the project results within national public authorities’ structures as well as among their partner institutions within Danube region and beyond and most importantly, work in the direction of streamlining DRIM outputs in local- and national-level policies.



Institute for Labour and Family Research

The Slovak associated partner Institute for Labour and Family Research (IVPR) is a national research institute established by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. Its core activities comprise research work on social and family policy, the labour market and employment policy, industrial relations and working conditions, and occupational safety and health. Research results form the basis for strategies, programmes and policies of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. They also participate in various projects in cooperation with domestic and foreign partnership organizations.

IVPR contributes to DRIM with monitoring the project activities through the specific angle of family policy and labour market situations in the Slovak Republic as well as in relation to broader EU labour regulations regarding migrants. They give suggestions and recommendations, especially on the use of definitions and, categories, as well as on the differences of policy frameworks within Danube region. With its strong links to governmental bodies in Slovak Republic, it strongly contributes to the successful endorsement of the Strategy.



Agency for Labour and Employment of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Labour and Employment Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ARZ BiH) is a DRIM associated partner that was established as an independent administrative organization as part of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. ARZ BiH cooperates with agencies, institutions and international organizations competent for employment, and meets international obligations undertaken for employment in coordination with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They monitor, analyse and explore economic, social and other trends, proposes measures and activities to increase employment and propose to the Council of Ministers long-term, medium-term and annual plans for labour market policy guidelines and active employment measures in BiH.

ARZ BiH is responsible for following and monitoring DRIM project activities in various stages of the project’s course: it participates in the Steering Committee as an advisory board member and in TWG meetings giving input on the national development strategies and legislative issues, and it gives feedback on the conceptual framework of the Danube Compass info tool and the drafting of the Strategy. ARZ BiH collaborates with other BiH decision makers (not only in the field of employment) and will be able to implement and further explore the DRIM results and outputs.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)