RADAR - Our message for 2021: Road Safety is no accident(s)


As the holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year(s) of the RADAR project’s presence in the road safety community and highlighting some of the achievements that made them ones to remember.

In the past two years the RADAR project has:


RADAR project has entered the final stage of implementation and it is important, maybe more than ever, to strengthen our work on road safety and highlight achievements of the project – with the focus on the future.

We will join efforts and forces to work together to keep the goal of saving lives on roads high on the agenda of decision-makers in participating countries.

2021 is very important as RADAR is going to deliver the first region-wide Danube Infrastructure Road Safety Improvement Strategy to be embraced and followed by national road safety responsible authorities that will contribute toward achievements of goals of the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety as well as working cohesively and in parallel with the revised Directive 2019/136 on road infrastructure safety management.

A better-coordinated intervention on road safety infrastructural solutions at the transnational level will be completed with higher knowledge and common use of best practice methodologies and tools in different countries. The strategy will result in reduced deaths and serious injuries for vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians. 

The role and cooperation of both RADAR Project Partners and Associated Strategic Partners were and will continue to be crucial in this respect. 

Looking on the horizon of the coming year we hope that our great cooperation will continue for a long time to come.

The best is yet to come.

Happy and safe holidays!



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)