Danube S3 Cluster - 3rd Policy Dialog Workshop of Danube S3 Cluster project, organized on 28.10.2020


On October 28, 2020, within the project DANUBE S3 Cluster took place an online workshop (via Zoom). The workshop aimed on defining policies in the field of agro-clusters. The workshop was organized by the Development Association NERDA, as a BiH partner, and 42 participants from Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary, BiH took place at the event.

The introduction to the project was given by Ms. Gilda NICULESCU from South Muntenia Regional Development Agency, Romania, as a representative of the lead partner in the project. Other presenters were Mr. Daniel ACS - Slovak Bioeconomy Cluster, Mr. Artur BOBOVNICKY - Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Slovakia, Ms. Rima DIJKSTRA - Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands, Ms. Violeta LEMIC - Agricultural Project Support Unit at the Ministry of Agriculture Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Professor Midhat JASIC - University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ms. Martina HARTL, Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research, Austria. The workshop was moderated by Jasenko Omerčehajić, Project Manager from the NERDA Development Association.

Mrs. Hartl, representing Priority Area 7 “To develop the Knowledge Society (research, education and ICT)” of EUSDR, informed that: "At the end of September the Commission published 3rd Report on the implementation of EU macro- regional Strategies, and one of the results is that Danube Strategy is in line with EU priorities such as the European Green Deal and European Digital strategy and that the work done in the frame of Danube S3 Cluster project contributes to these results". 

See the Photo gallery of the event at: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danube-s3-cluster/gallery?project_gallery=3rd+Policy+Dialog+Workshop+-+28.10.2020.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)