RADAR - Webinar on Safer Roads Investment Plans: How much can society afford to pay to save a life?
RADAR project implemented a Road Infrastructure Safety Webinar on Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIP) on June 16, 2020. The webinars on four thematic areas (SRIP; Provisions for Vulnerable Road Users; Intelligent Transportation Systems, speed management, and traffic calming approaches; Star Rating for Schools) had been announced during Road Infrastructure Safety Training Courses in eight countries across the Danube area. The webinars are constructed as a final measure to complete the RADAR training course concept.
Marko Ševrović, Ph.D., Road Safety Engineer, European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA-EuroRAP) held a presentation within the webinar on Safer Roads Investment Plans for all the participants. As he explained, Safer Road Investment Plans (SRIP) identify ways in which fatal and serious injuries can be improved in a cost-effective way. SRIP considers more than 90 proven road improvement options to generate affordable and economically sound road improvements that will save lives. These road improvement options range from low-cost road markings and pedestrian refuges to higher-cost intersection upgrades and full highway duplication.
“Do not think of the benefit as a value of life – you can’t value life – think of it as a measure of what a country could afford to pay to save a life,” Ševrović explained the economic benefit evaluation. With that, another question had shaped the presentation on SRIP: How much can society afford to pay to save a life?
As Olivera Rozi, Project Director of RADAR project mentioned on our online Road Infrastructure Safety Training Course: “We are not saving lives until we are improving roads.”
Another upcoming webinar on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Speed managements, and Traffic Calming Approaches as well as Star Rating for Schools awaits you – STAY TUNED!
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