ConnectGREEN - A1 Motorway: Romanian Road Authority accepts environmentalists' solution


Romania. April 2020. For the last kilometers that are still to be built as part of A1 Motorway, also known as the Lugoj-Deva Highway, the Romanian road authorities (CNAIR – National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure) support the implementation of the tunnel solution foreseen in the environmental agreement and agreed by the environmental organizations.

  • The road authorities consider the solution recommended by environmentalists as also being the most efficient, including from the technical and the economic perspectives.

During a meeting held on April 17th with environmental and transport organizations, the management of CNAIR confirmed that the best solution to complete the last kilometers of the Lugoj-Deva Highway is to comply with the environmental agreement in force, and implement the solution that provides for drilled tunnels. The solution has been agreed upon by environmental organizations and, in addition to causing the least disturbance to nature, proves to the most viable constructive option.

  • Background: the last 10 kilometers of A1 Motorway have been long debated, due to administrative complications. During the debate, some voices have singled out environmentalists as "oppoents of progress". The latest developments stand proof for the sound approach and highly perfroming solutions that integrated planning brings about.

The commitment to continue the steps to complete the works on the A1 Motorway was taken on April 17, 2020 during a meeting between CNAIR and environmental and infrastructure experts, attended by representatives of WWF Romania (lead partner in ConnectGREEN project), Zarand Association, Pro Infrastructure and EPC.

  • "This decision, which we hope will be implemented, is a step forward for the environment and for the highways in Romania. And it proves that the solutions developed taking into account all the factors - environmental, technical, economic - and the transdisciplinary consultation are the best, ”said Cristian Remus Papp, WWF-Romania, ConnectGREEN project coordinator.

The ConnectGREEN project aims to ensure a "road with priority for nature" through good management and restoration of ecological corridors in the Carpathian Mountains. The initiative encourages a new approach and appropriate spatial planning for urban developments and transport infrastructure projects.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)