EcoVeloTour - Košice Region supports ecotourism development projects by call for proposals - the supports is 120 000€


Košice Region Tourism perceives the ecotourism as an important topic and product line for the development of regional tourism. To achieve synergic effects, we wanted to support the development of ecotourism products by the grant scheme of the program Terra Incognita of the Košice self-governing region. As an intermediate body of the program, Košice Region proposed ecotourism infrastructural projects as one of the actions.

With local toursim against the economic crisis
These developments are necessary in the upcoming times, when the COVID-19 pandemic destroys the tourism sector. Programs like Terra Icognita support small ecotourism projects of local people and entrepreneurs. It will be very important to have such products prepared for tourists for the next season because "the fear of people" probably will stay with us longer than the virus itself. 
The support was intended mainly for smaller infrastructure projects based on ecotourism principles aimed at new and enhanced experiences for visitors. The result should be a tourism product in the areas of natural tourism, rural tourism, agrotourism, cultural tourism, canoeing or geotourism.

The main criteria set in this action in the grant scheme were:

  •   It is based on site authenticity and supports local identity
  •   It involves local communities and actors and creates new partnerships
  •   It has an economic benefit for the local community
  •   The project activities don't have a negative impact on the environment
  •   It contains educational elements and nature protection


Eco-apiary and Forest bath enhance the local vibe

In this action, nine projects were selected. According to the director of KRT Mrs. Lenka Vargová Jurková, all these projects will, after successful implementation, become interesting tourism products, which have not been present in the region so far. For example, eco-apiary in Hrabušice where visitors will be able to get closer to bee breeding. Further, the Forest bath, which is an activity that brings participants many health benefits increases their environmental knowledge, ecological feeling and relationship to sustainability.

Another project supports the development of insufficient infrastructure at the National nature reservation Morské oko. It will be an exterior naturalist classroom. In Kováčová, visitors will be able to see the secrets of the milling craft thanks to the restoration of parts of the local watermill. Among the successful projects within the microgrants focused on ecotourism are also the Hornád - Milič Educational Trail, Moravany - Tokaj, Traditional Carpentry in the Castle above Vinné, Canoe Sharing on the Hornád River and The Unexplored Land at the Adventure Crossroads in Košice Camp.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)