Finance4SocialChange - Strong support for development of sustainable social enteprises and favourable ecosystems


Social enterprises need access to market, strong and dedicated education programs with a specific approach, and strong sustainable support. These are some of the conclusions made during expert discussions between FInance4SocialChange project partners and stakeholders during a two-day meeting held in Belgrade on the 9th and 10th of March.  

The meeting was dedicated to the Policy Learning Dialogue Workshop and the exploitation of synergies in European good practices on the financing of social entrepreneurs. It was a great opportunity to meet and hear experienced social entrepreneurs and organizations from the Danube Region supporting social impact investments who shared their valuable experiences. Smart Kolektive from Serbia presented a new financial instrument for social entrepreneurs -Smart Impact Fund, while Renata Brkić from Feelsgood Social Impact Investment Fund for Croatia & Slovenia presented the road towards the development of social impact investment funds in Croatia. Alexandra Nitzlader from Rising tide from Austria –presented a fund dedicated to strengthening female entrepreneurship. During a Steering Committee Meeting, milestones of the project were presented as well as future activities to be implemented in order to achieve full implementation of the project. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)