Sava TIES - World Wetlands Day Celebration 2020


Educational events were held in Elementary School Sveta Nedelja and A.G. Matos High School in Samobor on 7 and 27 February 2020, marking the World Wetlands Day. The aim of these events was to raise awareness about the importance of preservation and protection of world’s wetlands. Thanks to the professors Ivan Kapuđija and Sanja Đurđević, and expert lecturers from Public institution “Green ring”,  students of 1st and 8th grades could learn what wetlands are, what threatens them and causes their disappearance, as well as locations of wetlands near their schools.

Wetlands are the most endangered habitats in the world. Due to drainage, pollution and overuse, more that 64% of world’s wetlands have been lost in the past hundred years. That’s why we mark the World Wetlands Day: to educate the public about the importance of wetlands, ensure conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and prevent their further loss.

Wetlands are habitats which are either permanently or seasonally flooded by stagnant or flowing water. They include floodplains, floodplain forests, coastlines and coral reefs. Because of their environmental characteristics, functions and economic value, they are of great importance as they: replenish groundwater, purify water, stabilise shoreline, retain nutrients and sediments, eleviate climate change and help control floods. They are a source of biodiversity and a habitat to many important plant and animal species. Providing possibilities for recreation and excursions, they have great touristic potential.

Students and their lecturer Ivana Sučić concluded that the Sava River is a valuable and important wetland of Zagreb County. Ms Sučić presented Sava TIES project and introduced the students to the issue of invasive alien species; the second biggest global threat to biodiversity. Students had the opportunity to see invasive alien plants present in their surroundings and learn how to prevent them from spreading.

The World Wetlands Day is marked every year on 2 February all over the world. This year there were in total 1491 worldwide events promoting the importance of wetlands. Out of those, 925 were in Europe and 6, including these lectures, in Croatia.

News in national languages:

Croatia - Green Ring or Lonjsko Polje Nature Park Public Institution 

Slovenia - Public Institution Ljubljansko barje Nature Park 

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Center for Environment or Public Company National Park "Una"

Serbia - Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province or Nature Conservation Movement Sremska Mitrovica or Public Enterprise „Vojvodinašume“

Germany - EuroNatur

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)