WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Capitalisation event “Fostering Women Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region”


The Capitalisation event was held on 3rd of October 2019 in Varazdin, Croatia and combines capitalization event of DTP WOMEN IN BUSINESS project as well as the Priority Area 8 of the EU Strategy for Danube Region (organized by PAC8 Working Group Female Entrepreneurship) with discussion on policy and legal framework that have relevance to promotion and support of women entrepreneurship, including presentation of good practices for fostering women entrepreneurship and success stories and case studies of women entrepreneurs from the Danube region. The event offered stakeholders and SMEs from the Danube region the opportunity to exchange experiences and addresses their challenges directly to the representatives from politics and administration present.

Mrs. Sandra Malenica, Deputy mayor of Varaždin municipality, welcomed the participants. In her opening words she pointed out that it is within the City government priorities to invest in the future – young people, women entreprises, education, creative industries, IT, etc. Mrs. Malenica wished success to the conference and to the project.


Ms. Nirvana Kapitan Butković, Coordinator of PA8 of the EUSDR - Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, Croatia presented the EU Strategy for Danube Region. She gave a brief overview of the  macroeconomic strategy for the Danube Region, its structure and priorities and more specifically Priority 8 of the Danube Transnational Programme – Competitiveness of Enterprises, including cluster development

Mrs. Silvia Cangea, ODIMM,  presented the results from the Policy Analysis of policies and legal framework developed under WOMEN IN BUSINESS project. The document includes a comprehensive overview of the policy framework for supporting young women entrepreneurs on EU and Danube regional level. It includes specific recommendations that will be a base for development of the Policy Agenda.

The support to women entrepreneurs in EU and beyond through EEN Sector group was presented by Dr Sanja Popovic-Pantic, Chair of the Enterprise Europe Network Sector Group Women Entrepreneurship, Institute “Mihajlo Pupin”. She introduced the WEConnect platform. WEConnect International is a global network that connects women-owned businesses to qualified buyers around the world.

The next session from the event was dedicated to good practices available for support of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region.


Marta Turk, Community of Women Entrepreneurs, Slovenia presented a Programme for training of long time unemployed women with tertiary education. In the last three years 1400 women from 5 different locations in Slovenia were included in the training.

Claudia Krobath, IRS, presented "Women Call 2018" managed by the Government of Styria, Austria. The call "Frauen.Leben.Regionen 2018" ("Women's Life Regions 2018") is intended to contribute to the diverse life models of women, to positively influence livable framework conditions at the regional level, to establish more diverse development and future perspectives, to reduce income inequality, and to integrate women socially and politically in the Styrian regions.

Youth Employment Project - Business Ideas Incubator (YEP) was resented by Mirela Omerovic, GOPA, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their success stories, in the form of video and articles, are actively promoted through national and local media, with the support of YEP, with an aim to promote the participation of women entrepreneurs in the market. Each of these businesses also receives counselling and mentoring support.

Yana Dalekova, Bulgaria,  Bulgarian Center for Women in Technology (BCWT) presented Entrepregirl Award which was selected as the best practice under WOMEN IN BUSINESS project. The  Entrepregirl Competition aims to encourage girls (age 16-25) with entrepreneurial ideas to dare to realize them and to join the community of business innovators and professionals in the digital era.

Vesna Torbarina, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatia presented EntrepreneurSHEp project - Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors. The aim of the project was to establish a network of ambassadors in Croatia that will encourage women to start entrepreneurship and start their own businesses, as well as raising awareness of women's entrepreneurship.

Good practice in promoting women entrepreneurship in supply chain in Serbia and e-mentoring - Olivera Popovic, Association of Business Women of Serbia.

Nina Meglič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska, Slovenia PERLE presented the activities of Regional Board of Business Women and Women Entrepreneurs in Slovenia.


National and International Elite Business Clubs were presented by Bianca Tudor, Romania. She is the founder of  ELITE Business Women, the largest women's business club in Romania (over 10,000 entrepreneurs). ELITE Business Women is more than a business community – is a networking and learning environment, which facilitates the sharing of business experience and development /growth, by creating a network based on performance and profitability.

Danijela Kocuvan, Maribor Development Agency, Slovenia presented Entrepreneurially into the business world – Programme is financed by the Ministry of economic Development and Technology of Slovenia.

In the last part of the event was given a floor to success stories and case studies of young women entrepreneurs - challanges they faced and support that they received in their path to the success.






Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)