RADAR - RADAR project presented at WOS 2019 conference on "The Future of Safety in a Digitalised World"


RADAR project was presented by project partner KFV, Austrian Road Safety Board, on September 24, 2019 at the 10th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work, held in Vienna, Austria.

copyright: ©Bettina Greslehner!

According to the ETSC (European Transport Safety Council), up to 40 % of all road deaths are work-related, therefore assuring a high level of road safety is a key element in the prevention of workplace accidents. As RADAR project focuses on improving infrastructure safety, which also serves the purposes of professional drivers, we presented the outputs and goals at the conference in Austria.

The four-day conference, focusing on the prevention of workplace accidents – WOS: Working on Safety – aimed at bringing together experts from all over the world in order to facilitate a high-level exchange of experience, new findings and good practice solutions.

copyright: ©Bettina Greslehner!

This year's 10th Conference of WOS.net is dedicated to the general theme "the Future of Safety in a Digitalised World", picking up one of the great future trends - digitalisation, often referred to as Industry 4.0 - and its consequences for occupational safety. The six main themes include digitalisation, risk assessment, safety management systems, Vision Zero, knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) and education and training, with a focus on the European Erasmus Programme RiskMan, in which AUVA takes part as well.




Workingonsafety.net (WOS.net) is an international network of decision-makers, researchers and persons responsible for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases in companies and institutions. The aim is to promote an exchange of ideas and experiences to disseminate new findings in the field of prevention. WOS.net is supported by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).





Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)