EcoVeloTour - Learning strategy: The first EcoVeloTour workshop in Kosice


The 1st EcoVeloTour workshop on cyclist ecotourism planning attracted nearly 50 participants, EcoVeloTour partners, associated strategic partners and stakeholders from the Danube Region including Slovakian ministry, EuroVelo coordinator, NGOs etc.

The basic knowledge: ecosystem services in strategy

The participants could learn the core of the ecotourism strategy methodology, the ecosystem services (ESS) by the Corvinus University of Budapest which was followed by practical interactive group work on identifying ESS for the regions where strategies will be developed throughout the project.

Mobility planning from Vienna

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Department for Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, Institute for Transport Studies continued the workshop with a presentation on the mobility planning, then group work for the pilot regions. The result of the group work was presented in front of others to learn from each other and get inspired.

The last section of the day was led by the BCE, that was a fully dedicated to the ecotourism planning in the pilot areas.


Community-based planning in practice

Day 2 was fully dedicated to the community-based planning, identifying stakeholders, and how to communicate with them.

Unfortunately, the field trip was postponed by the changeable weather, however, we could hear 2 interesting presentations about UNESCO world heritage and other tourism attractions of the Kosice Region, as well as the development process of the Tokaj Wine Route.

The participants gave positive feedback about the event, most of them felt sorry for the cancellation of the field trip, that we plan to do at the 2nd Learning Interaction in Tulcea.

Approximately 40 participants attended the event from the Danube Region including consortium members, associated strategic partners, EuroVelo coordinators and other stakeholders. 


Follow up in September

The next learning interaction will support the strategy elaboration process in Tulcea (RO), September 2019. Hope to see you there!


Written by Balázs kozák

Photos: Balázs Kozák

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)