WOMEN IN BUSINESS - 5th Transnational Learning Event in Sarajevo


Our project partner - School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo (SEBS) hosted a set of events in the period from 2nd till 4th of July 2019 under WOMEN IN BUSINESS project.

The 5th Transnational Learning Event started on the 2nd of July with presentation of the German good prcaticies on young women entrepreneurship support.

On the next day, we were hosted in Kutcha where the project partners, stakeholders and experts gained knowledge on the Bosnian good practices while enjoying the sun and crafts made by local women entrepreneurs.


In the afternoon, SEBS anounced the Official opening of the South-West Women Entrepreneurship Centre established under WOMEN IN BUSINESS project. It is based in the premisies of SEBS and will provide training and support facilities for all young ladies willing to start own business.


The Thematic Task Group met for the second time. The strucure of the training models was widely discussed.

The members of the Advisory Board continued their work on 4th of July on the Transnational Stakeholders Meetings where the draft of the Analysis of the Policies and Legal Framework n the Danube Region and the structure of the Policy Agenda were presented and discussed.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)