DANUrB - Closing Conference and DANUrB Final Partners Meeting


The Closing Conference and DANUrB Final Partners Meeting took place at the end of June, 2019, involving also Danube Day Events, in twin cities of ASP Partners Komárno (SK) - Komárom (HU) and Štúrovo (SK) - Esztergom (HU).  These events were full of sharing our expriences - looking back behind the work that had been done, but also looking forward, to what is there in the future - linking the Closing Conference with the Danube Days events, which tradition was established as one of the results of DANUrB project.

The programme started on Thursday 27th of June, 2019 in Komárno, with the detailed and enriching presentation of the Fortress system- Monostor and Csillág Fortresses. The topic of the fortresses is a very special to the Danube - since the river have always been a space of the borders, and Fort systems in diverse forms can be found in many other Danube cities. Monostor Fort, also known as Sandberg fort, was built between 1850 and 1871. After World War II the Soviets built the biggest ammunition storage in these spaces. Thousands of wagons of ammunition were forwarded from the strictly guarded objects. Monostor is currently open to the public as a museum and offers to locals and tourist a great insight into the interesting history of these areas. The programme for that day was closed by a presentation of local wine producers and local cuisine, in one of the built heritage valorised for the purposes of food tourism, Bašta VI.



On Friday 28th of June, 2019, the Closing Conference programme started with a study tour of Fortress of Komárno, guided by a director of a non-governmental organisation, and a relevant stakeholder in the area Pro Castello, taking care of the development of this monument, Mr. Grafel. The Fortress of Komárno, is the largest and the most important memorial of this kind in Slovakia. With its size and the degree of preservation is this Fort unique in Europe. As a matter of fact there have been efforts to enlist it into the heritage of the UNESCO.


After the lunch in one of the places of good practices of heritage valorisation, restaurant Cortina, the programme of the Closing Conference moved to the unique spaces of the Danube Region Museum, Komárno. The programme, opened by the director of the museum, Mr. Csütörtöky, was focused on the DANUrB project results, predominantly on the DANUrB Platform, DANUrB Strategy, DANUrB Tours and DANUrB Cultural Promenade. Furthermore, the partners were also shared their positive experiences throughout the project. The day was closed by Banquet dinner, overviewing the Danube river with an unique Danube experience.


On Saturday morning, June 29th 2019, the partners of the DANUrB project took a ship tour from Komárno (SK) to Štúrovo (SK) - Esztergom (HU) in order to be able to participate on the Danube Days 2019 celebrations organised by DANUrB associate partners of municipalities of Štúrovo and Esztergom and Partner KÉK. The participating researches and partner representatives from all DANUrB project countries had the opportunity to celebrate with local residents, stakeholders and also tourists many events and rich programme - such as Urban walk, or Danube swimming, and taste delicious local cuisine of fried Danube fish and fish soup. The DANUrB project was eventually finished by  Closing Ceremony on the ship by musical performances.


For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)