ResInfra@DR - training materials available for the RI community in the DR


Between February and May 2018, the ResInfra@DR project organised three training events to build capacity for evaluation, planning, monitoring and management of research infrastructures (RIs). The trainings were attended by 95 policy-makers from RI programme owning and funding authorities, active RI operators and coordinators, and potential or active RI reviewers. Participants came from 14 Danube region countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine).

The first training was organised in Sofia, followed by events in Banja Luka and Bucharest. After the successful completion of all three events, the training materials were revised and finalised based on the input received from participants.

If you would like to access and download the training materials, you can do so through this link...

The link will give you access to the following files:

Detailed training programme – final version.pdf
Introduction to ResInfra@DR project and training (Gajdusek and Damianova).pdf
Introduction to the topic of Research Infrastructure (Gajdusek, Damianova, Gangl).pdf
The relevance of foresight to underpin RI development strategies (Havas).pdf
Planning and establishing of RIs (Evgeniev) – lecture.pdf
Planning and establishing of RIs (Evgeniev) – group excercise.pdf
Planning and establishing of RIs (Evgeniev) – handout for trainees.pdf
Planning and establishing of RIs (Evgeniev) – narrative report.pdf
Managing operations at RI (Weeks) - lecture.pdf
Managing operations at RI (Weeks) – group excercises.pdf
Results and impacts of RIs in practice (Spanache) – lecture.pdf
Results and impacts of RIs in practice (Spanache) – group exercise.pdf
Results and impacts of RIs in practice (Spanache) – handout for trainees.pdf
Long-term sustainability of RIs (Ruzicka) – lecture.pdf
Long term sustainability of RIs (Ruzicka) – group exercises.pdf
Long-term sustainability of RIs (Ruzicka) – handouts for trainees.pdf
Conclusion (Hajdinjak).pdf

Image source: Pixabay; laptop by SCY


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)