DANUrB - Call for proposals: Participatory Art Interventions alongside the Danube


OIKODROM – The Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability within the DANUrB – Danube Urban Brand co-funded by INTERREG has launched a call for participatory art interventions. Under the framework of ‘DANUrB – Danube Urban Brand’ artists and artist collectives are invited to submit proposals addressing the interdependency and uniqueness of the built and/ or natural environment provided by the Danube in the region. Project applications contribute to the ‘DANUrB Cultural Network’, by emphasizing the importance of local knowledge and the experimentation with non-verbal forms of communication and learning. Applications for artistic interventions should foresee one pilot action in Austria which will then be adapted and reproduced in at least two other small-scale cities alongside the Danube by December 2018. The artistic outcomes from participatory art interventions will be presented in the DANUrB exhibition to be launched in 2018. Participatory art interventions funded under this call are meant to raise awareness on the aims of the DANUrB project and on similar trans-European collaborations. The overall goals and aims of the DANUrB project are outlined on the official project website: 

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BUDGET: € 20.000,00
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 30th 2017 - 12 MEZ
SUBMISSION TO BE SENT TO: michael.anranter@oikodrom.org

Proposals for participatory art interventions should not exceed three pages (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 Pt.)
The call for proposals closes on April 30th 2017.

The proposal should include a description of the aims of the artistic interventions, an outline of the theoretical background, and an appraisal of the risks and potentials of transferring the Austrian pilot action to follow-up interventions in other cities alongside the Danube from Austria to Romania/Bulgaria.

Submitting parties are compelled to submit a budget plan including travel costs and facultative expenses aiming for the integration of local artists and artist communities. Proposals exceeding the overall budget indicated will be automatically excluded from the selection process.


  • proposals from artist collectives (2+ artists)
  • proposals with a strong trans-European and/ or ubiquitous dimension
  • artistic interventions which actively involve and foresee expenses for cooperation or assisting partners from the regions addressed in the proposal
  • proposals promoting partnerships amongst events, festivals and/ or consortiums of cultural and artistic players contributing to a more unified sector in the Danube region 
  • artistic interventions including capacity-building activities for youth
  • artistic interventions that last more than four days at each site

For further questions please contact Michael Anranter, Project and Communication manager for the DANUrB project at OIKODROM – The Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability (michael.anranter@oikodrom.org, Tel: 0043 1 984 23 51, Lindengasse 32/12 – 1070 Vienna, AT)

This project is co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)