ECO KARST - Kalkalpen National Park awarded four entrepreneurs with Pro Biodiversity Business Award


Strengthening awareness of biodiversity conservation is a major concern of the Kalkalpen National Park. Within the ECO KARSTS project, four Pro Biodiversity companies were awarded for the highest contribution to the sustainable development of the area, identification with the Kalkalpen National Park and contribution to regional cooperation in the region.

Winners of the Pro Biodiversity Business Award 2019 are:

1st place: Ferienhof Gut Enghagen - Barbara and Stefan Großeiber, Roßleithen
2nd place: Landgasthof Kirchenwirt, Angela Ahrer, Großraming 
3rd place (equal points): Holzbaubetrieb Josef Steindl, Windischgarsten
and the Pharmacy Park Silvia Hackenberger, Molln.

The jury was made up of experts from Kalkalpen National Park, Park management and the ECO KARST project partners. 

Together with other pilot regions in karst areas in the Danube region, the Kalkalpen National Park wants to position itself as a sustainable region. Therefore, companies who are devoted to sustainability and regional development were carefully selected and awarded, all with the aim of supporting the Pro Biodiversity business concept and inspiring other entrepreneurs to follow this concept.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)