InnoSchool - First InnoSchool Advisory Group Meeting in Oradea, Romania


The European Center for Socio Professional Integration ACTA organized on 4th of  June, in Oradea, Romania, the first Advisory Group meeting for Romania.

The Advisory Group consists of 10 members: teachers from high school and university professors, high school students, representative of the county education authority, social representatives of the associations engaged in social entrepreneurship and business representative. During the meeting, the AG members provided important feedback and generated relevant ideas which will contribute to the development of the Serious Game within the Innovative Learning System (ILS).


The consensus was that the Serious Game is an important aspect of InnoSchool project. The participants brought valuable insight for improvement, like presenting study cases in the beginning, using a platform that will allow the participants to be in touch with each other, bringing some “on the field” experience, focusing on less theory and more practical examples and that the delivery of the theory should be short and concise.


The next meeting of Advisory group is planned for fall and its goal is to get new insights that will help with the further development of the innovative InnoSchool Learning System (ILS).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)