InnoHPC - REPORT - WP6 Pilot project Workshop in Romania


UEFISCDI organized the third WP6 Pilot project Workshop in Romania aiming to enable SMEs to establish communication with relevant HPC providers in order to find HPC based solutions for their problems. The event took place in Bucharest, at the Center for Research in Computing of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, on 19th of April 2019.

The workshop was attended by the Romanian SMEs subscribed in the pilot project, universities, research institutes and HPC organizations from Romania, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia and  benefitted from the presence of valuable mentors from: the Center for Research in Computing at University Politehnica of Bucharest, the Romanian Association for Promotion of Advanced Computational Methods in Scientific Research (ARCAS), UEFISCDI, Institute of Physical Chemistry “Ilie Murgulescu”, University of Novi Sad, PRO SYS SRL and West University of Timisoara.

The topics discussed were related to:

  • How to get engaged and benefits arising from participation in the InnoHPC Lab;
  • Basic knowledge about possibilities and opportunities that HPC can offer for business development;
  • Elaborate and seek possible solutions to exposed business challenges.



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)