Danube Floodplain - Project Partner meeting on WP3, Floodplain evaluation, Szeged


The first expert meeting of Work Package 3 (WP3) took place on 10th-11th January 2019 in Szeged, Hungary. Experts from 10 countries sharing the Danube River Basin met to discuss the actual issues of the WP related to floodplain evaluation. The Expert Meeting was open only to project partners, who discussed primarily the methodological and technical context of floodplain evaluation.

The first session on the first day was related to the DanubeFloodplain GIS and the structure and management of the data basis were outlined and agreed. Later the initial methodology for delineating the active and potential floodplains of the Danube and selected tributaries was presented and discussed. The preliminary parameters which can describe the floodplains for the evaluation and prioritization, moreover the applicable data sources were also reviewed by the partners.

On the second day experts mainly focused on the floodplain evaluation concept and forthcoming activities related to the selected tributaries. In the final section of the meeting, the partners discussed and agreed the detailed work plan of the Activities in the WP, especially the actions for the present project period.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)