LENA - Danube Guide Training in Rouse, Bulgaria


The first Module from the Bulgarian Danube guide course took place in Rouse city from 25 to 27 October 2018. In the course participated 12 guides, which will be certified as part of the Danube guide´s network if they complete the course successfully.

The 1st Module consisted of presentations and discussion, but also a lot of interactive parts. The attendees had a chance to hear a lecture about what the perfect star guide should be and what shouldn´t be missing in his characteristics. They also received some guidance from Christian Baumgartner, who is the creator of the courses in the Danube Guide network.

On the second day of the module, the guides that are taking part in the course had a chance to see examples on real tourist practice in the region of Rouse. The guides and their lecturers from the previous Train the trainer course visited tourist attractions like Orlova chuka cave and 7 Generations winery.

The second part of the Course will be in Belene town on 22-24 November 2018.

Check out the full gallery here!


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)