ECO KARST - Tara National Park organized their second workshop with stakeholders


On October 26, 2018, a second workshop named Possibilities for Pro Biodiversity business development with stakeholders was organized in Bajina Bašta, Serbia. The workshop was organized by Tara National Park with the support of Slovenian Forest Service and Global Nature Fund.

Around 25 stakeholders from the public institutions, local population, business and Park administration attended the workshop. The main objectives of the workshop were to inform relevant stakeholders about the results achieved in the ECO KARST project in the last few months as well as to announce planned activities. 

The workshop was moderated by the experienced journalist Mrs. Jelena Božović who invested efforts in providing high quality event, focussing on the equal contribution of all participants.

After presenting the results of ECO KARST project in this region, park administration representatives used the opportunity to announce the Pro Biodiversity Business Award which will be organized in the next few months.

The inspiration for Pro Biodiversity business in the area of tourism, participants got from Mrs. Milijana Šekler who owns the touristic farm „Šekler“ in Rudno within the Golija Nature Park.

In the afternoon session, divided in 3 working groups, participants analyzed potentials and challenges for the honey production and tourism in the area of Tara National Park. The results of the analysis were presented to all participants and discussed in more details.

As a final step of the workshop, participants performed a SWOT analysis of all selected business types in the previous activity, which gave them a deep insight in inner strengths, opportunities as well as weaknesses and threats for specific Pro Biodiversity business development in Tara National Park.

Photo credit: Tara National Park

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)