
The Chestnut project partners joined the European Mobility Week this year to present the project to the public through numerous activities.

VELENJE encouraged people to explore the role of mobility

As a lead partner, Municipality of Velenje (Slovenia) encouraged people to explore the role of mobility in their daily lives and to experiment with various sustainable transport means as cycling or walking. The goal was to raise their awareness about more efficient, more cost-effective and more enjoyable ways of transportation that might save their time, improve health, and lower their transport costs and as ultimate goal contribute towards cleaner air, quieter cities, and healthier citizens.

Father's run: mountain bike tour

As part of the fruitful program, citizens of Velenje had an opportunity to participate on the Father’s run, take part in the free of charge mountain bike tour with licensed guide, to get introduced with the work of various non-profit organizations and institutions in the area of health issues and quality of life as part of the Velenje open-air fair, attend various lectures and workshops dealing with the topic of multimodal transport as well as to celebrate life while enjoying on numerous concerts, cultural performances and sport activities.

Car-free Day: the highlight of the event

- The highlight of this biggest global event was the traditional Car-Free Day on September 21, when we have closed Rudarska cesta (road) for a few hours. With this gesture, we wanted to show how much free space we can get if we remove cars from the streets and what might be prudently and creatively done on them. Within the promotional events for presentation of the EU projects that are implemented by the Municipality of Velenje, we gave a special focus on the planned and achieved results of the CHESTNUT project - said the representatives of Municipality of Velenje.

KOPER organised different thematic events

During European Mobility Week 2018, RRC Koper was present in activities of six municipalities of Coastal-Karst region, from which five of them comprise a Functional Urban Area, namely municipalities of Ankaran, Hrpelje-Kozina, Izola, Koper, and Piran. Every day different thematic events were oganised by local coordinators and supported by RRC Koper. During the workshops, presentations, and practical trainings RRC Koper presented results and main activities of CHESTNUT project. Inputs and raised awareness on local level will empower to frame and alter the constitution of fundamental transportation document on Functional Urban Area level.

WEIZ: Free bike check and minor repairs

On September 18, the office for Environment and Mobility of the Municipality of Weiz organized a Mobility Day. A free bike check was offered, minor bike repairs were made on site and the bikes were checked for driving safety. There was also an automatic bike wash, with which the bicycles could be washed and polished. At the information booth of the municipality you could get tips about cycling and the Interreg Danube project CHESTNUT. With the smoothie bike you could “pedal” yourself a refreshing smoothie.

ODORHEIU SECUIESC: Quadragon pump track gathered people of all ages

On September 22, the Mayor's Office of Odorheiu Secuiesc (Romania), has established the Quadragon pump track in the Márton Áron Square. The program was supported by the European Union through the Chestnut project. That morning, the enthusiastic candidates were already gathered in a great number: toddlers with walking cycles, people of all ages with bicycles, there were even some with roller skates, who dare to challenge the track.

...and it will be estabilished in the city

The track was used by 6 to 8 people at the same time, organized in age groups. The pump track is recommended for everyone over 2, and it is safe to use with a helmet. For those who were arriving without headgear, helmets were provided by the organizers. The representatives of the City Hall promised a pump track will be established in Odorheiu Secuiesc, within the “Renewing our playing grounds!” program. This will not consist modular elements, but it will be constructed with a definitive structure covered with rubber.

ZADAR wants to motivate citizens to use public transport

During the two-day event within the Mobility Week, aimed at changing the awareness of citizens, Zadar Development Agency ZADRA NOVA wanted to motivate citizens to use public transport more frequent for departure to work, college, school or shopping. Participants of the event participated in prize-giving games, panel discussion, exhibitions and various other activities aimed at animating citizens. As part of the Zadar Mobility Week, ZADRA NOVA also promoted its four projects that deal with the topic of sustainable mobility in the wider Zadar area, including the project Chestnut.

EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK 2018 focused on ‘multimodality’ - the mixing of transport modes within the same journey or for different trips. The campaign gives people the chance to explore the role of city streets and to experiment with practical solutions to tackle urban challenges, such as air pollution. All in all, 54 countries got involved in European Mobility Week 2018, and we are proud that our partners were among them.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)