WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Successful Kick-off Dissemination Event "Business Women in the Danube Region" held in Varna, Bulgaria


Kick-off Dissemination Event "Business Women in the Danube Region" took place on 17th of July 2018 in Varna, Bulgaria, hosted by the Lead Partner – Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Varna (RAPIV).

The event is part of the activities under project DTP2-048-1.2. WOMEN IN BUSINESS „Fostering the Young Women Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region” which is co-funded under the second call for proposals under the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020г., Priority Area 1 “Innovative and socially responsible Danube Region”, specific objective 1.2 “Increase competences for business and social innovations” with lead partner RAPIV. The consortium includes 14 partners from 9 countries from the Danube Region.  The project aims to stimulate young women with innovative ideas to start and develop their own business in order to achieve market success through different approaches for increasing of their competences for business and social innovations, including establishment of Women Entrepreneurship Centres and innovative training models elaboration for improving skills.

More than 50 participants had the opportunity to get together and exchange experience and knowledge in the field of fostering young women entrepreneurship.

The event started with welcome speeches by Mr. Yani Yanev, Chairman of the Management Board of RAPIV and Mr. Antonios Melas, representative of Danube Transnational Programme Joint Secretariat.

Mr. Yani Yanev, RAPIV and Mr. Antonios Melas, DTP Joint Secretariat

Dr. Judit Schrick-Szenczi, coordinator EUSDR PA 8,  Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg, presented the working groups included in the PA 8, their main activities, tasks as well as the provided opportunities for cooperation for to be achieved the EUSDR objectives.

Dr. Judit Schrick-Szenczi, coordinator EUSDR PA 8

After presentation of the Bulgarian policies for young women entrepreneurship support, Ms. Ralitsa Zhekova, RAPIV, introduced the project WOMEN IN BUSINESS including the project goals, implementation logic as well as the key elements of the project.

Partners took part also in the Kick-off event contributing with high level presentations introducing their institutions and role in the project. The morning session ended with presentations of several initiatives for entrepreneurship support including trainings, networks of women business angels.

Ms. Ralitsa Zhekova, RAPIV

The afternoon session was dedicated to exchange of experience, synergies searching and capitalisation activities with other DTP projects co-funded in the 1st call for proposals: Excellence in ReSTI, DA-SPACE, CITYWALK and WOMEN project (Interreg CE).

Ms. Valentina Grillea, bwcon Ltd., DA-SPACE project

For more information:

Press Release No.1

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)