
The RADAR project – Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads is launched!

Representatives of 10 partners from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia, met in Budapest to kick off with RADAR project activities. The partnership is led by European Institute for Road Assessment – EuroRAP from Slovenia.

The financial support of 2,15 million EUR for cooperation on improvement of the road infrastructure safety in the Danube region was approved by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme 2nd call. The Programme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance and European Neighborhood Instrument.

The kick-off meeting of the RADAR project was held in Budapest and hosted by KTI, Institute for Transport Sciences Nonprofit Ltd. from June 25-26, 2018. Partners discussed existing good practices in improving road safety infrastructure in Danube area and Europe. Nikola Galović, Rotondo, presented how trainings will contribute to raising awareness and capacity building about road infrastructure safety. Extensive and vivid discussion was held about the Danube Road Infrastructure Safety Improvement Strategy and Action plans that was led by Steve Lawson, European Institute for Road Assessment – EuroRAP and Marko Ševrović, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Mr. Ševrović also presented pilot studies. 

Olivera Djordjević, lead partner from EIRA – EURORAP about RADAR: This project is tackling the differences in road infrastructure safety levels between western and eastern EU countries. It will contribute to improving knowledge and capacities of all involved stakeholder in the Danube region to successfully address the road infrastructure safety. RADAR project will facilitate transnational knowledge and best practice sharing processes and make ready-to-use tools for improvements available in all national languages to governments in participating countries. I am very pleased that Danube Transnational Programme has acknowledged the need for improved road infrastructure safety in the Danube area and demonstrated potentials of RADAR in addressing the relevant issues.

And what does project RADAR means to us? Click here!

RADAR project will soon announce the 1st Danube Road Safety Conference date, please stay tuned! Project outputs cover Road Safety Procedures Training Concept, Training Courses, Study Visits, Danube Infrastructure RS Improvement Strategy, Danube Infrastructure RS Improvement Action Plan, Action Plan Uptake National Workshops, Pilot Actions on Road Safety Thematic Areas and Databases on Pilot Actions.


Full press release is available here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)