ResInfra@DR - Short review on PA7 Steering Group Meeting in Bratislava


On 13th June 2018, the XIV PA7 Steering Group Meeting took place in Bratislava, Slovakia. Status updates on activities and future plans within Priority Area 7 (  and selected Flagship Projects were presented. Doris Gangl from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) gave a presentation on the PA7 Flagship project Danube River Research and Management (DREAM), which aims to develop monitoring, modelling and engineering strategies to achieve a balance between economic use and environmental protection of the Danube River. BOKU is a partner within the ResInfra@DR project and thus a short overview of the project, aims and main outputs was presented at the meeting as well.

Learn more about the agenda of this event:
Learn more about the ResInfra@DR partner BOKU:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)