GREEN DANUBE - Successful first event of transnational environmental information campaign


First event of the transnational campaign has been successfully organised in Duisburg, Germany.

DST (Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems) hosted the first event of the transnational campaign organised by RSOE (National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications) with the Hungarian mobile IWT Environmental Information Centre, called DunaPromo.

The aim of the action was to boost young people's commitment to environmental issues related to navigation in a light-hearted way. The mobile information centre consists of a newly developed game software of five different online games that can be played on touchscreen displays during the events and after the events it is available as a mobile app. A reconstructed ship simulator and traditional safety and history related tools, like rope, compass, life vest, sextant, etc. are also incorporated in the games.

The DST premises have been visited by 23 pupils in the 3rd grade of a local primary school in Duisburg.  Colleagues of DST and RSOE organised a 5 station contest for the children grouped in 5 teams where they could compare their skills in the following games: Ship simulator, Green Shipping, Quiz, History and safety related games and Memory game, Battleship. All participants received awards and small presents for their good performance.

There are 4 Inland Waterways Transport Environmental Information Centres: 3 fixed and 1 mobile: 

  • Fixed IWT EICs will be located in Romania, Croatia and Serbia
  • The mobile centre will cover through the transnational campaign four Danubian countries: Hungary, Austria, Germany and Bulgaria.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)