FORESDA - How to Support Architects in Building with Wood


In February 2018, a workshop"Protection, installation and use of wood outdoors" was organized at the Biotechnical Faculty at University of Ljubljana. Workshop was attended by more than 200 architects, town planners, producers and potential users of wooden constructions. With the aim to maintain a positive and growing trend of constructions with wood, researchers and experts in the field of woodwork presented the latest findings related to the aging of wood, wood protection and examples of good and bad practices in the renovation of protected old structures or when constructing new wooden buildings. Presented topics were as follows:  

- The functional advantages of living in wooden buildings - importance of using appropriate species of wood and proper protective agents.- Findings of research in the monitoring of climate impacts on wood in Slovenia were presented as also the results of different possible ways and means for natural, non-biocidal protection of wood against the processes of decomposition with fungi.

- Presentation of studies focusing on protection of wood to slow down its aging and ensuring the aesthetic appearance of outdoor wood.

- Use of unprotected wood on the examples of architectural heritage - Good and bad practice.
- Wood quality control and steps needed for quality control of wood protection procedures.
- The legislation and EU requirement for registration of wood protection chemicals in use.
- Modern protective methods, which guarantee a longer life of wooden buildings and products, while preserving their aesthetic value on a nature-friendly way. 

The participants were highly satisfied with the workshop content and expressed the need for similar events in the future, providing information on good practice examples and concrete solutions to the challenges in wood construction. More...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)