InnoHPC - 1st InnoHPC Lab training: Capacity building workshops for HPC providers and SMEs



1st InnoHPC Lab training took place on May 10th and 11th in Opatija and Rijeka and was organized by the InnoHPC Project Partner ERDF PP4 – CNRM, Centre for Advanced Computing and Modelling. 

First day there were two different, independent events taking place at the same venue (Opatija): one for SMEs and another for HPC providers.  SME's were dealing with HPC trends, advantages using HPC in automotive and electronic industries, HPC infrastructure, comparing the performance of desktop computer and HPC cluster, data protection, patents, applicability, VR, digital transformation guidelines etc. HPC Providers were dealing with Technology Transfer Process (Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection, data protection, HPC infrastructure, digital transformation guidelines, role of trust)

"The first day, theoretical part of the training, have attended 15 participants from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ireland. Second day, the “hands-on part” was attended by 18 participants from above mentioned countries, including two students from France," reports Adrijana Miočević from ERDF PP4 - CNRM.

During the first day all the participants had the opportunity to hear the presentation of the general understanding of HPC infrastructure and inspiring success stories from two companies, Arctur d.o.o. from Nova Gorica and AV Living Lab from Ljubljana. Furthermore, the participants took part in an interactive session which included the workshop part.

At the beginning of the second day, Centre for Advanced Computing and Modelling has organized Skype meeting with project partners from FIS, IT4I and REDASP concerning WP5 activities and further cooperation. In continuation InnoHPC Lab training participants enjoy the University of Rijeka tour including its HPC infrastructure and individual running of the calculations with aim of understanding the wide HPC possibilities.



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)