D-STIR - Project implementing social, environmental and ethical steps towards Responsible Research and Innovation


Mid-Term Phase Event, Study Visit and Transnational Meeting in Bucharest, Romania

D-STIR Projects' consortium gathered for First Mid-Term Phase Event, Study visit and Fifth Transnational Meeting in Bucharest, Romania. Project objective is to take advantage of RRI benefits “for, with and by society, ethics and environment” to improve Danube conditions for innovations. From first year Project has upgraded its pace towards Pilot actions in academic and business environment to test STIR method and with this contribute to RRI Strategy in Danube region. The event that was hosted by Romanian Partner Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering happened between March 21 – 23, 2018.

Host partner organised Mid-Term Event that included local target groups from media, academia, researchers, entrepreneurs and people working in the field of innovation. With this D-STIR Project got the opportunity to get linked with target audience, to get an in-depth overview of the Project and to address topic of innovations in business and academia, it's challenges and future technologies in the world. It was a great honour to host Dragos Seuleanu, CEO of MHTC - Magurele High Tech Cluster, who addressed a business perspective on responsible research.

Second part – Study visit in academic environment was based on visiting major research infrastructure in nuclear and laser physics in Romania ELI-NP, which presents research history in the making. It was a great honour to listen to the speaker Andrei Dorobantu - Science Communicator, who emphasized the responsibility of researchers to the people. With this he emphasized the importance of being proactive, to maintain bilateral relations between public institutions and researchers, the importance of inclusion and responsiveness in RRI.

Partners visiting major research infrastructure in nuclear and laser physics in Romania ELI-NP

This Event had a greater added value to the Project. We all got the opportunity to receive first-hand review and feedback from Embedded Humanists working with researchers in business and academia environments in 8 countries from Danube region. Important observation from embedded humanists in all countries is that it is the perfect momentum for D-STIR project implementation. Researchers are more and more aware that it is not anymore just about the quantity of innovations or the quality of the quantity, it is becoming to be about the responsibility of these innovations - responisibility of quality quantity.

Partners’ consortium is also anticipating Study visit and sixth project meeting in – Stuttgart, Germany in June 19-20, 2018 that will be organized in conjunction with ICE/IEEE Conference.

Partners during Study visit at ELI-NP in Magurele, Romania

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)