EDU-LAB - welcoming our 3rd IVY Volunteer


We are happy to welcome Mia Matkovic, our 3rd IVY Volunteer at the European Foundation for Education. She joined our team this week.

Please find her statement below: 

"Growing up with a mixed cultural background, I was naturally drawn to pursuing studies in International Affairs and have continued this interest in my first professional experiences. 

Following my experience of bilateral relations at the French Embassy in Serbia, I then chose to focus on intergovernmental aspects by undertaking an internship at the CoE in the Directorate of Political Affairs. I then worked for a French Liaison Prosecutor in Serbia, in the area of judicial co-operation.

Based on these experiences, I am convinced that I would like to pursue a career in an international organisation and in the field of co-operation since it is as I see it, the cornerstone of development.

As a youth myself, born in the Balkans and having grown up in France, I can’t wait to make a contribution to this great project gathering many different European countries and aiming to help young people get the bright future they deserve in their own countries."

More information about the Interreg Volunteer Youth initiative here

Find the DTP YouTube playlist about the project interviews prepared so far by IVY volunteers.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)