FORESDA - Regional Innovations Symposium To Boost The Crosslinking of the Wood-processing Industry


A two-day symposium RegioHOLZ will be organized on the 17th and 18th of January 2018 at the University of Applied Science Pforzheim, in order to encourage the networking and establishment of the projects between business and science representatives. This event also represents the platform for the future of the timber and furniture industry, and is a great example of how to bring together SMEs and scientific community related to FBI sector, which collaboration needs to be improved in order to be able to catch up with the sustainable economy trends. RegioHOLZ therefore can be used as the possibility for effective crosslinking of the timber and furniture industry with universities and research institutions with focus on application-oriented solutions to meet the challenges faced in the practice. The thematic focus of the first day will be on introductory speeches related to new industry trends resource efficiency. The second day of the symposium will concentrate on problems and challenges you face in your work and the potential solutions. Attendance at this event is free of charge. More information and application form can be found on RegioHolz Project Website

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)