FORESDA - Successful First Year Review Of The FORESDA Project


In the framework of the 6th Romanian Cluster Conference, the General Assembly and two mini-workshops of the FORESDA Project took place in November 2017. The two-day project meeting was held in Bucharest and hosted by the project partner Pro Wood cluster. Additionally, the project partners took this opportunity to organize the First-year-review meeting with JS Project Officer Mr. Marius V. Nicolae, who supported partners related to the achieved results in the first year. The partners presented their activities and discussed the challenges with the PO, who pointed out the importance of the final output, the Sustainability Plan, which should integrate all of the previously achieved results during the project. The experience of the partners related to the implementation of the Transnational Strategy as an cross-border strategical document, and the Local Action Plans, as the concrete actions on the regional level, should be considered when creating the Sustainability Plan as well as final Local Action Plans which will be developed as a part of the workpackage 6, which deals with the capacity building activities through the partners' mutual learning and mentoring for policy makers and innovation support organisations of project partners but also associated partners of FORESDA project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)