EDU-LAB - Experiences as an IVY Volunteer for EDU-LAB


Alina Felder, the IVY Volunteer engaged within EDU-LAB has been asked to shortly report on the experiences she has made as an IVY volunteer so far. The above picture is part of the testimonial that resulted and has been published together with other experience reports on the website of the European Commission. "I have been a volunteer for about two months now and so far I could gain very interesting insights into European territorial cooperation and EU Cohesion Policy. Within EDU-LAB it is my responsibility to work on our capitalisation strategy and activities, that are aimed at creating synergies between thematically connected projects within the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP)." (EDU-LAB belongs to the DTP Thematic Pole 9 on 'Educational Governance', where we are currently leading the pole's activities.)

Concerning these activities Alina Felder did not only report about capitalisation in front of the EDU-LAB Steering Committee in November in Belgrade, but also attended the EDU-LAB Project Partner Meeting, also in Belgrade, where she gathered many views on the project as such and possible connections to other initiatives.

She was also able to get to know the work of the mechanisms of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), when attending the capitalisation workshop of the EUSDR's Priority Area 7 'Knowledge Society' two weeks ago. Meeting representatives from other DTP Thematic Poles was a great experience and further deepened my knowledge about the various EUSDR proposals for education and related project responsible for their implementation. Next to her IVY experience this will also be very helpful when further elaborating her MA thesis on the implementation of the EUSDR in the field of education policy.

We also produced a short video about her role as an IVY volunteer within the Project EDU-LAB. The video can be watched in the gallery or accessed here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)