ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - The Second Slovenian National Workshop Summary


Geodetic institute of Slovenia organized on 12 October the 2nd out of planned three National workshop about territorial attractiveness in Slovenia in Turnišče (Prekmurje region, NE of Slovenia).

The purpose of the workshops is to enhance cooperation between organizations responsible for planning and implementation of territorial development policies and to improve knowledge of attractiveness indicators that support development strategies in order to create a more attractive Danube Region.


The Second Slovenian National Workshop

In the first part of the 2nd workshop the best practices of territorial attractiveness in Prekmurje region, measuring the effects of green tourism and detailed attractiveness indicators from the 1st national workshop were presented.

The second part of the workshop focused on practical work on defining detailed national attractiveness indicators reflecting the local needs for territorial monitoring in Prekmurje region.

Workshop ended with visit of attractive location of company Paradajz d.o.o. where plantation of tomatoes is developing in great extent.


Visit of attractive location of company Paradajz d.o.o.

The workshop was attended by representatives of ministries, regional developments agencies, tourist organizations, research institutions, transport and private companies dealing with urban and spatial planning.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)