When it comes to port development, the DAPhNE consortium managed to elaborate a report dedicated to the status of port infrastructure along the Danube River which provides a comprehensive image of the traffic volumes, the new port projects, the infrastructure gap analysis, new markets and potential port users. The document focuses on selected ports along the TEN-T core network on the Danube and will be available for consultation to the general public at the end of the year on the project website.
With regard to the port IT community system, the Danube community carried out a study visit at the headquarters of the Port Authority in Antwerp in June 2017. The study visit gave partners the possibility to gather specific information on port processes, involved stakeholders and related services within the port community of Antwerp. At consortium level, it has been decided that during the DAPhNE project a pilot implementation of a port IT community system will be done in Austria (Enns Port), Slovakia (Bratislava) and Serbia (Novi Sad / Smederevo). The information gathered during the study visit is being used as input for the creation of the functional and technical specification of a modular port IT community system for the Danube ports. More details on the study visit can be read here.
Internal preparatory meetings have been organized after the study visit to help gather details about the port processes applied in every of the participating port location. This input will be used in drafting an initial version of a port IT community system. Synergies with ports from the Upper Rhine region are planned, as input from the Port of Strasbourg and Port of Karlsruhe involved in the set-up and deployment of the Upper Rhine Traffic Management Platform will be used for the Danube pilot.