DANTE - Upcoming events in 2017


DANTE dissemination and promotion will be further intensified during the period between September and December 2017 at the following IWT-related international events:

  • Port Policy Day, 18 October 2017, Budapest, Hungary

The meeting organised in the framework of the DAPHNE -  Danube Ports Network project shall bring together the Danube port community (port authorities/administrations, port operators), IWT stakeholders, representatives of ministries of Danube States and of European Commission services relevant for port governance/port policy as well as of international organisations including financial institutions. In a workshop atmosphere, the participants will discuss current and forthcoming policy issues of strategic importance for the Danube ports. The workshop will consist of a number of keynote speeches, a round-table discussion, a question & answer session and will include networking opportunities. For more information, please contact: danila@prodanube.eu

  • EUSDR Forum, 18-19 October 2017, Budapest, Hungary

The 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region is organized under the title “A secure, connected and prospering Danube Region” and will emphasize on a number of challenges among which the transportation development along the Danube river. For details, please check: http://www.danube-forum-budapest.eu/

  • DANTE Transnational event and EUSDR PA1a/PA11 joint Working Group Meeting, 24 October 2017, Budapest, Hungary

A two in one transnational event will be held on 24.10.2017 at the Danube Commission headquarters in Budapest - the 1st Transnational Workshop of the DANTE project and the EUSDR PA1a & PA11 Joint Working Group meeting on administrative processes. The DANTE transnational meeting will be the first in a serious of workgroup meetings foreseen to capitalize on the outputs of the previous project activities and to target decision makers as a key step in achieving tangible results for harmonizing regulations and simplifying the administrative processes for the IWT sector.

For additional information and registration please check: https://indivsurvey.de/europeanstrategy/90841/OOX193  

  • RIS Common issues meeting, 22 November, Bratislava, Slovakia

The Common Issues Meeting will be held as part of the agenda of the RIS Week which is hosted by the Slovak Waterborne Transport Development Agency (ARVD) and the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic. Participants will discuss how EU- funded projects contribute to the deployment of the River Information Services on the TEN-T core and comprehensive network.  For additional information, please check: http://www.ris.eu/news/ris_week_____bratislava__from_20_to_24_november_2017

  • Danube Transport Day, 23 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

The 2017 event shall raise the awareness of the members of the European Parliament, the European Commission as well as of invited policy makers towards the infrastructure and innovation needs and the planned innovation activities of the Danube IWT sector for its modernization and for achieving a revitalised image of the Danube transport among transport users, logistics service providers and the wider public. In this respect, your participation is of high importance for the success of this event. For more information, please contact: florescu@prodanube.eu

  • December days with DANTE project, 05-06 December 2017, Galati, Romania

The first week of December the DANTE partners in Romania will host the 2nd project consortium meeting and the 2nd Transnational Workshop. More information is coming soon on the DANTE website. Stay tuned!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)